Home Statements



More Arrests on Trumped Up Charges as Outgoing Government’s Term Approaches End [Burma Partnership]

If the Human Rights Council makes compromises now and “discharges” Burma from the crucial Agenda Item 4, it would risk signaling that half measures of change are acceptable even before real progress on the human rights situation in the country is achieved without a concrete reform agenda. By Burma Partnership ...

Be like Leo! Stand with Indigenous Peoples and the Protection of the Environment! Revoke Philippine Mining Act of 1995, Pledge for the People’s Mining Bill!

We challenge all the aspirants to pledge for the enactment of the people’s mining bill that embodies the Filipino people’s desire for a mining industry that upholds national sovereignty and patrimony, social justice, environment protection and people’s rights and welfare “…we need to support leaders around the world who do...

Active Vista Film Festival: “Use Imagination As A Weapon Against Forgetting Truth” [DAKILA Press Release]

“The greatest enemy of history is time. Thirty years ago, the Filipinos through collective action succeeded in getting rid of a fascist dictator, marking the end of a dark era known for its grave abuses and human rights violations. Thirty years ago, that was the narrative. Is it still...

Gaining Momentum: Building on Our Initiatives And Strengths towards Securing Our Rights To Forestland and Resources, Sustainable Forest Management Livelihoods and Food Security

Statement Delivered During Asia Pacific Forestry Week 2016 by Asian Farmers Association (AFA), Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) and network partner Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Program –Asia (NTFP-EP). Statement Delivered During Asia Pacific Forestry Week 2016 February 26, 2016 Clark, Pampanga, Philippines We, leaders of organizations of indigenous peoples, local forest based communities...
Parti Sosialis Malaysia

Does a Critical Thinking Society Ban a Course on Marxism? [SUARAM Press Statement]

How does this noble intention square with the latest pronouncement by the Inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar that he wants to ban a course on Marxism organized by Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)? Press statement by Dr Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser 29 Feb 2016 The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 claims...

Burma: Open Letter to the Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council

We strongly urge you to continue the UN Human Rights Council resolution on Burma/Myanmar and as in past years extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur under Item 4 of the Council’s agenda. 24 February 2016 Dear Excellencies, We write to you regarding Burma/Myanmar as civil society groups working on the ground...

Joint Statement: Viet Nam must immediately release prisoners of conscience Nguyễn Văn Đài and Lê Thu Hà

Nguyễn Văn Đài and Lê Thu Hà were arrested on 16 December 2015 and charged under Article 88 of the Penal Code, ‘Conducting propaganda against the state’. All efforts by family and legal counsel to visit the pair since their arrests have been denied. PUBLIC STATEMENT 19 February 2016 Index: ASA 41/3475/2016 Viet...

Torture Must not be Condoned! Investigate and Punish Offenders and Ratify UNCAT! [SUARAM Press Release]

Between the countless death in police custody recorded over the years and the accounts provided by former Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) detainees, the use of torture by enforcement agency in Malaysia is a known secret. The similarity between the treatment experienced by SOSMA detainees and the former ISA...

Joint Press Statement: CSOs declare support for Mother Nature and condemn crackdown against the organization – Cambodia

We further call upon the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to uphold internationally recognized and nationally guaranteed fair trial rights by allowing Mr. Gonzalez-Davidson to return to Cambodia and defend himself against these allegations in person. Phnom Penh, 14 February 2016. In response to...

ASEAN MPs: Action must follow Sunnylands commitments [APHR Statements]

ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) specifically noted commitments to strengthen democracy, promote and protect human rights, and work toward inclusive economic development, but voiced wariness over the resolve of ASEAN leaders to follow through. February 18, 2016 JAKARTA – Parliamentarians from across Southeast Asia today called on ASEAN leaders to...