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Home Tags Women’s Rights

Tag: Women’s Rights

Brunei ruler says sharia penal code starts Thursday

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: The sultan of oil-rich Brunei announced that tough Islamic criminal punishments would be introduced Thursday, pushing ahead with plans that have sparked rare domestic criticism of the wealthy ruler and international condemnation. "With faith and gratitude to Allah the almighty, I declare that tomorrow, Thursday May 1,...

Myanmar women’s rights groups oppose Interfaith Marriage Act

(WNN) Bangkok, THAILAND, SOUTH-EASTERN ASIA:  A planned law intended to stop Buddhist women in Myanmar marrying non-Buddhist men is “a disgraceful act that would invite international ridicule” and violate women’s basic rights, a statement released by 97 civil society organizations said. The law, proposed initially by Buddhist nationalists and some...

Martial law victims being victimized again

MANILA - Victims of human rights violations during the martial law regime of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos are being victimized again, this time by unscrupulous individuals who want to earn from their suffering. Chairperson Lina Sarmiento of the Human Rights Victims Claims Board said she has received information that some...

Malaysia: Court to Rule on Transgender Rights

(Bangkok, May 12, 2014) – Transgender women in Malaysia have filed a groundbreaking court case challenging a law that prohibits them from expressing their gender identity, Human Rights Watch said today. On May 22, 2014, the Putrajaya Court of Appeal is expected to hear a challenge to the constitutionality...

Women’s rights in Brunei are highly threatened – Asean Women’s Caucus

Brunei’s new Syariah Penal Code Order 2013 has provisions that clearly infringe on universal human rights and will open up women, children and sexual minorities to more violations. Brunei’s new Syariah Penal Code Order 2013 has provisions that clearly infringe on universal human rights and will open up women, children...

Fears of new unrest as Myanmar ponders monk-backed interfaith marriage ban

Myanmar's government has begun unveiling drafts of proposed laws that critics say are motivated by religious hatred, and could take discrimination against the country's marginalized Muslim minority to new heights. Myanmar's government has begun unveiling drafts of proposed laws that critics say are motivated by religious hatred, and could take...

Women’s Rights Groups Demand that US Stop Negotiating TPP with Brunei Until the Sultan Revokes New Taliban-Like Laws

A coalition of women's rights groups have joined the Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) in calling for the Obama Administration to initiate the process of removing Brunei from negotiations on a prospective Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement with the United States - or to suspend TPP talks - until Brunei revokes...

Vietnamese women being trafficked for forced marriages, say rights groups

When Kiab turned 16, her brother promised to take her to a party in a tourist town in northern Vietnam. Instead, he sold her to a Chinese family as a bride. LAO CAI, June 25 — When Kiab turned 16, her brother promised to take her to a party in...

PHILIPPINES: Investigation commences on a mother falsely charged for complaining against a principal who beat her son

On April 24 this year, we reported that Mary Vic Medina, mother of a 12-year-boy who was beaten by a school principal in General Santos City, had been arraigned and tried on fabricated charges of physically abusing her son. On April 24 this year, we reported that Mary Vic Medina,...

Rights activists slam ‘inhuman’ arrest of pregnant woman activist

Human rights activists on Wednesday condemned the alleged warrantless arrest of a woman activist and her “hasty” incarceration in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City despite a medical condition they said could lead to involuntary abortion. MANILA, Philippines -- Human rights activists on Wednesday condemned the alleged warrantless arrest of a...