Representatives of ASEAN Commission on the Rights of Women
Each ACWC representative is appointed by his or her government. The process of appointment differs in each country.
Brunei DarussalamBrunei Darussalam
H.E. Ms. Chhy Ratha
Chhy Ratha is Chief of the Women and ASEAN Affairs Office at the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA) of Cambodia. In addition to that, she serves as assistant to H.E. Minister of Women’s Affairs, in charge of Women and ASEAN Affairs, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Gender and Climate Change and People with Disability. Within this role she is responsible for guiding the technical team and for facilitating the work between cabinet.
H.E. Ms. Sri Danti Anwar
Sri Danty Anwar, born on 15 November 1959, is currently known as Senior Advisor to the Minister for Family Development. She is also the Acting Deputy Minister for Gender Equality at the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia. Prior to this position, she was Ministerial Secretary (2010-2014), Deputy Minister for Gender Mainstreaming (2007-2010), Indonesian Focal Point to ACW and Indonesian Focal Point to APEC WEF.
H.E. Soukphaphone Phanit
Soukphaphone is currently Director of International Relations Division. She is also a focal point of the Lao Womens Union for the Lao National Steering Committee on Human Rights. Due to her involvement in the issue of Womens rights has brought her to appointment as the Lao PDRs Representative to the ACWC for Womens Rights in October 2014.
H.E YBrs. Rose Lena binti Lazemi
Dr. Rose Lena Lazemi is currently the Secretary General of the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development. She has more than 27 years experience in the public sector, which spanned across several key ministries and departments, including Ministry of Energy, Telecommunications and Post, Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) and the Public Service Department (PSD). She was the Director of the Public Sector Transformation Division of the PSD before assuming her current position.
H.E. Ms. Laura Hwang Cheng Lin
Laura Hwang is a highly experienced Singaporean, who has been recognised for her leadership in both the financial and community service sectors for her strong strategic, business and leadership abilities. Her 17-year career in banking saw her being appointed as the first Singaporean and woman to head an international financial company in Singapore, which has made her a role model for many younger women to enter the industry. Her responsibilities included Corporate Banking, Foreign Exchange, Asset Management and Private Banking in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Australia. She was appointed to the Bank’s financial arms in Bangkok and Hong Kong.
H.E. Dr. Ratchada Jayagupta
Dr. Ratchada Jayagupta is currently a senior researcher and a lecturer at the Asian Research Center for Migration (ARCM), Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. She was an appointed and elected committee member of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration ( IASFM) during 2003- 2006 and 2006- 2008. Currently she is a member of National Sub-Committee on anti-human trafficking, especially for women and children (appointed by the Prime Minister), and a member of the National Sub-Committee on anti-human trafficking in the Mekong Sub-Region (appointed by Deputy Prime Minister).
H.E. Ms. Hoang Thi Thu Huyen
Ms. Hpang Thi Thu Huyen graduated Master programme on Public Management from the join training progarmme between University of Economics, Hanoi National University and Uppsala University of Sweden in March 2012 and has been working on the field of developing and implementing laws and policies on gender equality and advancement of women for 15 years.