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Tag: Women’s Rights

Indonesian police ‘virginity tests’ fit pattern of flagrant rights abuses

Reform within the Indonesian police have been very slow, with discriminatory ‘virginity testings’ and police torture and brutality still rampant.   Jacqui Baker Published 7:05 PM, Dec 01, 2014 Updated 7:06 PM, Dec 01, 2014 Human Rights Watch reported last week that Indonesian police conducted two-finger “virginity tests” on young female police cadets as...

Indonesian maid says she was tortured with vacuum cleaner

An Indonesian maid has told a Hong Kong court that she was tortured for six months by her former employer, who shoved a vacuum cleaner tube into her mouth, breaking teeth and tearing her mouth. By Naomi Ng for CNN December 9, 2014 -- Updated 0737 GMT (1537 HKT) Hong Kong (CNN)...

‘Domestic violence exists everywhere’

A paucity of sexual assault laws and sexist norms in society mean violence against women is widespread in Myanmar society and accepted by families, communities and government, said Ma Htar Htar, the director of Akhaya, a Yangon-based organisation focussed on women's empowerment. 11 December 2014 | Written by Portia Larlee Gender...

Shafee to represent Negri Sembilan government in transgender case

Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah will appear for the Negri Sembilan government to obtain leave to appeal against an appellate court’s ruling which held as unconstitutional the state’s Shariah enactment that punishes Muslim transgenders for cross-dressing. BY V. ANBALAGAN Published: 12 December 2014 Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah...

Plainclothes military officers allegedly threaten anti-coup student activist with rape

Anti-coup student activist, who in November was arrested for flashing the anti-coup three-fingered salute at the Hunger Game 3 premiere, was threatened with rape by what are thought to be plainclothes military officers assigned to follow and watch her. Submitted by editor2 on Sat, 13/12/2014 - 11:04 Anti-coup student activist, who...

Women’s Ministry cuts funds from NGO helping transgenders

The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry has stopped funding a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that assists transwomen, sex workers and people with HIV, amid a brouhaha over transgender rights. BY BOO SU-LYN Published: December 17, 2014 07:54 AM KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17 — The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry has stopped...

Human rights group offers to mediate female monks row

The National Human Rights Commissioner (NHRC) has offered to mediate the dispute between the Sangha Supreme Council and Bhikkhunis, or female monks, to ensure freedom of religion is upheld. Published: 17/12/2014 at 09:37 AM   The National Human Rights Commissioner (NHRC) has offered to mediate the dispute between the Sangha Supreme Council...

Migrant workers continue to be exploited because of their nationality, class and gender

This International Migrants’ Day 2014, we stand in solidarity with workers all over the world in their struggle for dignity and human rights. Migrant workers make important contribution to their countries of origin and destination. December 18, 2014 by onlinecitizen This International Migrants’ Day 2014, we stand in solidarity with workers...

Men working, women staying at home won’t do

The Malay NGO Isma’s idea of solely depending on men as breadwinners and reducing women to child-rearing duties is defective and discriminating to all Malaysians regardless of gender. Shane Fuentes | December 18, 2014 “The statement by Isma is flawed as it demoralizes the struggle of Malaysian women.” KUALA LUMPUR: The Malay...

Suhakam: Child marriages must be opposed

The best interests of the child must prevail and must not be superseded by traditional practices when it comes to child marriages, said Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) chairman Tan Sri Hasmy Agam. Published: Friday December 19, 2014 MYT 5:21:00 PM Updated: Friday December 19, 2014 MYT 5:23:34 PM by tan...