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Tag: Economic and Social Rights

Malnutrition among children in Myanmar reaching alarming levels

For decades now the Rohingya population of Myanmar have been forced to endure a fate they never chose for themselves. Written by Marc Tarabella on 10 October 2014 in Opinion For decades now the Rohingya population of Myanmar have been forced to endure a fate they never chose for themselves. A...

Human rights groups criticize the plan of the Government of Myanmar on the Rohingya Muslims

Human rights groups denounced on Friday a plan by the Government of Myanmar could force thousands of Rohingya Muslim minority to stay in detention camps if they are ineligible for citizenship Help Point – Human rights groups denounced on Friday a plan by the Government of Myanmar could force thousands...

School Attacks Create Climate of Fear in Thailand’s Restive South

Teachers and pupils in Thailand's southern border province of Pattani are fearful after weekend arson attacks on local schools by Muslim insurgents.  Ron Corben October 14, 2014 10:46 AM BANGKOK—Teachers and pupils in Thailand's southern border province of Pattani are fearful after weekend arson attacks on local schools by Muslim insurgents.  No...

Unfounded fear in Asean community

More needs to be done to explain the AEC to various stakeholders as deadline approaches Published: Tuesday October 14, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM Updated: Tuesday October 14, 2014 MYT 11:05:52 AM by Mergawati Zulfakar More needs to be done to explain the AEC to various stakeholders as deadline approaches IT was the first engagement...

Protesting Students and Teachers in Myanmar Reject Law They Claim Will Strengthen Junta-Era Schooling System

The new National Education Bill of Myanmar, which was passed in late July this year and is currently awaiting the president's approval, is considered by some students, teachers and civil society organizations as a violation of human rights standards Posted 14 October 2014 23:36 GMT Written by Thant Sin The new National...

Armed Groups Must be Held to Account in Latest Fighting, says Karen Human Rights Group

The Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG), an independent community based human rights organisation, has called for all armed sides in Burma to hold members of their armed forces to account if they have perpetrated abuses, including any abusive actions taken in the latest fighting. October 19, 2014  •  Author: Karen...

PHILIPPINES: Children suffer inhuman treatment, severe malnutrition due to government neglect

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the Manila City government for its apparent outright neglect to improve conditions at the Reception and Action Center (RAC), a public child care institutions. October 22, 2014 The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the Manila City government for its apparent outright...

Debt a Danger in ASEAN Growth

The continued rise in the levels of household debt held by Southeast Asian banks, which are now under pressure due to rising interest rates, may lead to a deterioration in consumer confidence that could lead to slower growth in the region. Posted by: : Shayne HeffernanPosted on: October 21, 2014 The...

‘No Decision’ Made Yet on Cambodia Loans: World Bank

The World Bank has not yet reached a decision on whether to lift a ban on loans to Cambodia, a Bank official has said, contradicting local media reports that the international financing institution would resume loans suspended three years ago over allegations of violent land grabs by the country’s...

Are undocumented migrants the sole cause of disease spread in Malaysia?

The government and the MMA could curb the spread of contagious diseases by opening up accessibility to medical treatment and health care for all, without discrimination, says Angeline Loh. by Angeline Loh · 23 October 2014 In late September, the Malaysian Medical Association expressed its worry over the ‘rise in infectious...