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Tag: Economic and Social Rights

Cambodia says focusing on maintaining growth, poverty alleviation

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thursday that his government has mainly focused on retaining a sustainable economic growth and setting out strategies to ensure the gradual alleviation of poverty, according to a spokesman. Xinhua News Agency December 5, 2014 4:00am Cambodia says focusing on maintaining growth, poverty alleviation PHNOM PENH, Dec....

Cambodia a Worry for Vietnamese Refugees in Australia

Cambodia’s treatment of Vietnamese refugees sets a troubling precedent for Australia’s Catholic Vietnamese refugees. By Helen Clark December 06, 2014 As we have recently reported, Cambodia’s treatment of ethnic minority Vietnamese refugees has put the country back in the spotlight and, as Fairfax Bangkok correspondent Lindsay Murdoch has noted, Australia’s deal to...

The European Union will provide up to EUR 60 million in grants to Laos in 2014-2015

The European Union (EU) has announced it has allocated up to EUR 60 million (KIP 60 billion, USD 75 million) to Laos under its bilateral cooperation programme over the period 2014-2015 to improve basic education and food and nutrition security and strengthen good governance as well as the rule...

‘Domestic violence exists everywhere’

A paucity of sexual assault laws and sexist norms in society mean violence against women is widespread in Myanmar society and accepted by families, communities and government, said Ma Htar Htar, the director of Akhaya, a Yangon-based organisation focussed on women's empowerment. 11 December 2014 | Written by Portia Larlee Gender...

UN Team Back on Search For Montagnards in Cambodian Jungle

A U.N. team returned to a province in northeastern Cambodia on Thursday to resume a search for a group of ethnic Montagnards fleeing persecution in Vietnam after the authorities gave an assurance that they could be eligible for refugee status through a screening process. 2014-12-11 A U.N. team returned to a...

Fishing: Swapping Slaves for Prisoners in Thailand

Thailand’s military government should cancel a plan to encourage prisoners to work on fishing boats given the widespread abuses in the Thai fishery sector, Human Rights Watch has said. BY MarEx 2014-12-12 17:48:00 Thailand’s military government should cancel a plan to encourage prisoners to work on fishing boats given the widespread...

HRW: Thailand government must cancel prisoner fishing boat plan

Human Rights Watch (HRW) called Thursday for the cancellation of a plan formulated by Thailand's military government that encourages prisoners to work on fishing boats, citing the widespread abuse in the Thai fishing industry. Thursday 11 December 2014 at 10:55 AM ET Human Rights Watch (HRW) called...

Dam Projects Risk Reigniting Burma’s Civil War

Burma’s government calls them signposts of modernity: a string of huge dam projects along the mighty Salween River, one of Asia’s last untamed waterways, needed to meet economic goals and energy demands as the country opens its doors to the outside world.  By DENNIS D. GRAY / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|...

Refugees From Myanmar Boost South Dakota Economy: Reports

Karen refugees who fled ethnic persecution in Myanmar have boosted the local economy in Sioux Falls, South Dakota where 9 percent of jobs in the county are performed by the 2,000 refugees, a BBC documentary released Tuesday reports. Refugees who fled ethnic persecution in Myanmar have reportedly boosted the local...

Manila to blame, says PBS

Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) on Sunday said the Philippine government is to blame for the misery of its nationals in Sabah. Its Secretary-General Datuk Johnny Mositun said the policies and attitude of the people in power in Manila contributed directly to the misery of Filipino nationals, both legal and...