Burma: Religious Freedom and Related Human Rights Violations are Hindering Broader Reforms

Author: U.S Commission on International Religious Freedom
Year: November 2014
Country: United States of America

USCIRF is concerned that recent openings have coincided with serious and alarming violence against religious and ethnic minorities. Attacks against Muslims, particularly Rohingya Muslims, as well as against Christians, continue with impunity. Burma’s government, both at the central and state levels, has been unable or unwilling to address the abuses.

 The Commission is concerned by the situation for internally displaced persons in ethnic minority areas, particularly the approximately 140,000 mostly Rohingya Muslims displaced in Rakhine State and the more than 100,000 predominantly Christian Kachin displaced in Kachin State since 2011.

LINK Burma: Religious Freedom and Related Human Rights Violations are Hindering Broader Reforms