Home Statements


Thailand Detained Students-3

[UHRSN] Statement From Thai Students in Europe who are against the coup d’état in Thailand

Down with dictatorship! Democracy must prevail! Thai Students in Europe |  5 July 2015 Since the 22nd May 2014 coup d’état, student groups are undeniably one of the leaders in protesting against the coup. They are from various universities, academic disciplines, regions and backgrounds. They may have numerous different political...

Myanmar: Drop Charges Against Student Protesters – Civil Rights Defender

The government of Myanmar should immediately release from custody and drop charges against student protesters for the peaceful exercise of freedom of assembly, Civil Rights Defenders said today. In two separate incidents this week, authorities charged five student leaders in Yangon under the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Processions Act...

Think Centre: Statement on the current pre-sentencing treatment of Amos Yee Pang Sang – Singapore

Think Centre (TC) calls for the State to urgently review its treatment of Amos Yee before his final sentencing is confirmed. The State should immediately allow him to be transferred from his remand location at block 7 to either a suitably equipped private hospital to continue his assessment or...

Parliamentarians call on ASEAN ministers to address root causes of migrant crisis at KL meeting

“This crisis is far from over,” Santiago warned. “Focusing only on policing borders and attempting to address this issue as a simple matter of law and order would be shortsighted. Cracking down on human trafficking rings must be a component of the regional response, but ASEAN must also address...

End of Sentence for Lawyer a Reminder of On-going Detention of Prisoners of Conscience in Vietnam

Le Quoc Quan, a prominent human rights lawyer and blogger, left An Diem prison in Quang Nam province last Saturday after completing his 30-month sentence. Civil Rights Defenders considers the 2013 “tax evasion” charges against Quan reprisal against his writings on human rights abuses and democratic reforms, topics usually...

[URGENT APPEAL] The arrest and detention of 14 members of the New Democracy Movement and intimidation against independence of attorney, Thailand 24 – 27 June 2015

The group is formed by students from the North, Central Plain, Northeast, and South plus more than 20 community-based organizations on 8 June 2015 at the Democracy Monument in Khon Kaen. The New Democracy Movement (NDM)  The group is formed by students from the North, Central Plain, Northeast, and South plus...

Mortar Shelling by the Myanmar Army that Exploded very Close to Alen Bum IDPs Boarding School, Laiza, Kachin State

The Joint Strategy Team (JST) is raising our concern over the recent mortar shelling by the Myanmar Army that exploded very close to Alen Bum IDPs Boarding School, Laiza, Kachin State. On 25 June 2015, at approximately 5:30 pm, a mortar shell exploded about 200 meters from the dormitory...

ASEAN Strengthens Integrity of Elections in the Region

The ASEAN Workshop on Election Observation, the first ever gathering of the region's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Election Management Body leaders and regional organisations that conduct election observations, wrapped up yesterday in Manila, Philippines. on Friday, 26 June 2015. Posted in 2015, ASEAN Secretariat News MANILA, 26 June 2015 – The...

Thailand: Drop Charges against Students Activists, Uphold Civil and Political Rights [FORUM – ASIA]

FORUM-ASIA, a Bangkok-based regional human rights group, strongly deplores the crackdown on the peaceful protest of the students. It is part of their right to peaceful assembly, which is guaranteed by Article 4 of the Interim Constitution of Thailand and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)...

SUARAM Human Rights Report 2014: Six Worrying Trends Under Najib’s Administration

The Report concludes that the human rights record under the Najib Razak's administration represents a new low in Malaysia in 2014, characterized by the increased crackdown on freedom of expression, assembly and association, continuous blatant police abuse of power, free falling of international rankings on trafficking of persons and...