Home Statements



ASEAN parliamentarians urge international action to address escalating human rights concerns ahead of elections in Myanmar

With elections less than two months away, Myanmar stands at a critical moment in its political transition. But without deliberate steps to address core human rights concerns, including support from the international community, the country risks veering from a path toward democracy, ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) said...

[SUARAM] Deplorable act against LGBT activist Nisha Ayub

We at SUARAM strongly condemn the act of violence against LGBT Activist Nisha Ayub. Posted on September 13, 2015 by SUARAM We at SUARAM strongly condemn the act of violence against LGBT Activist Nisha Ayub. The harm suffered by Nisha should stand as a reminder of the dangers and harassment LGBT activists...

Asean Sogie Caucus: Najib’s statement disregards universality of rights

The Asean Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression (Sogie) Caucus expresses serious concern over Prime Minister Najib Razak’s recent statement challenging the universality of human rights. by admin - 10 Sep 2015 The Asean Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression (Sogie) Caucus expresses serious concern over Prime Minister Najib...

Vietnam: Restrictions on Human Rights Defenders’ Freedom of Movement Violate Domestic and International Law

Authorities in Vietnam have blocked at least 33 human rights defenders and activists from freely travelling abroad or internally in the last six months, despite legal protection of the right to freedom of movement. Civil Rights Defenders considers these restrictions arbitrary and in violation of Vietnam’s obligations under its...

[Joint Statement] Laos: 1,000 days on, Sombath’s enforced disappearance remains a clear dereliction of the government’s international obligations

Today marks 1,000 days since prominent Lao civil society leader Sombath Somphone “disappeared” at a police checkpoint on a busy street in Vientiane. We, the undersigned organizations, reiterate our call for the Lao government to intensify its efforts to conduct a prompt, impartial, and effective investigation into Sombath’s apparent...

[Aliran Malaysia] A ‘lost decade’ for victims of Indonesia’s Aceh conflict

Indonesia is still failing tens of thousands affected by the devastating Aceh conflict, leaving family members and victims in the dark about the fate of loved ones and without justice, truth and full reparation, Amnesty International said ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the conflict’s end. by admin - 9...

[FORUM-ASIA] Commemorating the 11th Year of Munir’s Case

Over a decade after his assassination, someone who did so much for his country, like Munir did, deserves more. He deserves to be remembered, to be honoured, but most of all, he deserves justice. 8 September 2015 Eleven years after the killing of the prominent human rights defender, Munir Said Thalib,...

Joint Statement: ADHOC, CLEC and LICADHO call for the immediate release of 17 activists and observers in Koh Kong

The 17 were detained in the midst of a gathering calling for a solution to Chi Khor Krom community’s land conflict. The gathering involved 50 youths and land activists who had also participated in daily peaceful protests against the arrest and imprisonment of three activists from NGO Mother Nature...

SUARAM: Freedom of Expression is a Constitutional right! Arresting activists is detrimental to democracy!

SUARAM demands unconditional and immediate release of those arrested. The PDRM should assist the Rakyat in seeking justice and revealing the truth in particularly the truth behind the alleged 1MDB scandal but not otherwise.  Posted on August 3, 2015 by SUARAM The peaceful assembly organized by a Youth non-governmental organisation (NGO)...

[FORUM – ASIA] Thailand: The ‘not guilty’ verdict in Phuketwan journalists’ case sets a precedent for online freedom of expression

FORUM-ASIA) welcomes the verdict of Phuket Provincial Court on Tuesday, clearing Phuketwan journalists, Alan Morison and Chutima Sidasathian, of defamation charges under articles 326 (defamation) and 328 (libel) of the Thai Criminal Code in conjunction with article 14(1) of the 2007 Computer Crime Act. 3 September 2015 6:27 pm (Bangkok, 3...