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FORUM ASIA’s statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

FORUM-ASIA reiterates its condemnation of all forms of violence against women and girls and calls on all Governments across Asia to make effective contributions to stop gender-based violence. Violence against women is a fundamental violation of human rights. Without the elimination of all threats or acts of such violence,...

Press Release of the 19th Meeting of the AICHR, 27 – 29 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

During the course of three days meeting, the Representatives of AICHR discussed several concept papers which will be implemented in 2016. The Meeting also agreed on a new thematic study it will undertake, namely the AICHR Thematic Study on Women Affected by Natural Disasters. Posted on: 29 November, 2015 The ASEAN...

We agree! Now stop the record breaking persecution of human rights defenders! [SUARAM Press Statement]

If the Government of Malaysia fails to honour the obligations it has undertaken by voting in affirmation, there would undoubtedly be severe repercussion against the Government of Malaysia and jeopardize the time dedicated by the Prime Minister in improving Malaysia’s international standing. For immediate release 28th November 2015 We agree! Now stop...

Political crackdown in Cambodia reaching a dangerous tipping point, UN rights expert warns [OHCHR Press Release]

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Rhona Smith,today expressed her deep concern about the breakdown in the political dialogue between Cambodia’s main political parties given its implications for human rights of the Cambodian people. GENEVA (23 November 2015) –The United Nations Special Rapporteur...

‘Lofty Words, but Lacking Substance?’ – ASEAN Community 2015 and ASEAN Vision 2025 [ACSC/APF 2015 Press Statement]

The ASEAN Community 2015 cannot focus only on integration policies which clearly provide economic and development gains without also removing its reluctance to commit to addressing issues which are deemed to infringe on national sovereignty such as internal conflict, territorial disputes, environmental degradation, treatment of minorities and human rights...

AICHR – SOMTC Joint Workshop on Human Rights-based Approach to Combat Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children

The Joint Workshop brought together more than seventy (70) participants – coming from the AICHR, SOMTC, various relevant ASEAN bodies/sectoral bodies, ASEAN Secretariat, relevant government agencies of AMS, National Human Rights Institutions of AMS, regional civil society organisations (CSOs), and United Nations (UN) specialised agencies. Posted on: 9 November, 2015 As...

ASEAN SOGIE Caucus Statement on ASEAN Community Vision 2025

We believe that all persons belonging to marginalised groups and identities are entitled to human rights and fundamental freedoms on the basis of substantive equality. This protects communities who suffer discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, and other status. It also applies to those who are oppressed due to...

APHR Statement on Myanmar Election [APHR Press Statement]

As parliamentarians from across Southeast Asia, we congratulate the people of Myanmar on their participation in a peaceful and historic vote, and we look forward to welcoming our newly elected colleagues from Myanmar as partners in the realization of a truly people-centered ASEAN Community. As parliamentarians from across Southeast Asia,...

Burma/Myanmar Elections Preliminary Findings [FORUM – ASIA Press Release]

From 2-10 November 2015, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), together with its Thai member, the People’s Empowerment Foundation (PEF) conducted an election observation mission  in Yangon, Burma/Myanmar. The objective was to observe the final week of before the historic elections of 8 November 2015. 12 November...

Government-Owned MAB, the new Malaysian Airlines Operator, Must Recognize Unions and Not Deny Freedom of Association [Joint Statement]

We, the 64 undersigned trade unions, civil society organisations and groups are shocked that Malaysian government owned Malaysian Airline Berhad (MAB), the company that took over Malaysian Airlines, chose to ignore the application for recognition by the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia(NUFAM). Joint Statement – 19/11/2015 We, the 64 undersigned...