Home Statements



Unity Statement: Asia Pacific Civil Society’s Demands for the Legally Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights

This statement originates from the Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on the Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on the Legally Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights, May 1-3, 2015 Chiang Mai, Thailand, co-convened by the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net), the International Federation for Human Rights...

Joint Letter: Withdraw Draft law on Associations and Non – Governmental Organization [Cambodia]

WITHDRAW DRAFT LAW ON ASSOCIATIONS AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Samdech, We, the undersigned international NGOs and membership organizations, call on the National Assembly of Cambodia to immediately withdraw the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO). The draft LANGO appears designed to restrict the legitimate activities of civil society and human rights...

Press Release: Special Meeting of the AICHR, 13 – 15 June 2015, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam

The ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) convened its Special Meeting, in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam from 13 to 15 June 2015. The Meeting was chaired by Tan Sri Dr. Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, the Representative of Malaysia to the AICHR and the Chair of the AICHR. Posted on:...

UNFPA Statement on the Population Control Healthcare Law in Myanmar

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, would like to express its grave concerns about the recently adopted Healthcare for Population Control Law. The Law, if implemented, could directly undermine basic human rights and women's reproductive rights and freedoms, as confirmed in the Programme of Action, adopted at the 1994...

[FORUM – ASIA] HRC29, Item 2: Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the Human Rights of Migrants

FORUM-ASIA expresses concern at the situation of the thousands of Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants found adrift at sea. We stress that a holistic and long-term approach to address this crisis is essential. 29th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council Item 2: Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the Human Rights of...

Impartial and fair verdict for human rights defender Cocoy Tulawie! Ensure his safety and security! [Change.org]

Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie is a human rights defender from the Sulu region in Mindanao, the Philippines. He is the founder of the local human rights group Bawgbug and member of several civil society organizations where he was responsible for campaigns for the democratization of local politics, transparency in government...

[Urgent Action] Political cartoonist faces up to 43 years in jail – Amnesty Malaysia

Malaysian political cartoonist Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, also known as “Zunar”, is facing nine charges under the draconian Sedition Act for tweets criticizing the judiciary. A court hearing is set for 7 July. If convicted of all nine charges he faces up to 43 years in prison.   (COPY OUR SAMPLE LETTER...

56 Solidarity Groups Worldwide Call for an Immediate End to Offensives in Northern Burma/Myanmar and for the Provision of Unhindered Humanitarian Assistance to the IDPs

While the Government continues to use its rhetoric of peace and reform to invite donors and investors to continue to fund the peace talks and development projects, some of the heaviest fighting in ethnic areas took place this year as the Burma Army attacked the KIA and civilian population...

Join Statement Ministerial Meeting on Irregular Movement of People in Southeast Asia

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand met in Putrajaya, Malaysia on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 to discuss the issue of irregular movement of people into Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.  This is with a view to finding a solution to the crisis of influx of irregular...

Vietnam intends to abolish the death penalty people on corruption offenses represent unfair

Recently, Vietnam thirteenth Congress is being held the ninth meeting considered the “Criminal Law (Amendment),” the draft, the draft proposes the abolition of the death penalty sentencing of some crimes, which in addition to robbery, outside of undermining national security vital public facilities, insubordination, collaborators, war crimes, drug trafficking...