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Myanmar journalists lose appeal against sentence

Chit Su Win (L) and Pan Ei Mon (R), wives of jailed Myanmar journalists Kyaw Soe Oo and Wa Lone leave the Yangon Regional High Court on 11 January, 2019 after a Myanmar judge dismissed an appeal by their husbands. (Sai Aung Main / AFP Photo) Two Reuters journalists jailed...

‘Jokowi’s magic has now gone’: Prabowo ready for presidential debate

Jakarta: Terrorism, human rights, legal affairs and corruption will take centre stage when President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and his opponent Prabowo Subianto square off in the first presidential debate of 2019. Tens of millions of Indonesians are expected to tune in for the debatel, which will also feature Widodo's running...

Regulation seeks to end child marriages, but…

In this file photo taken on 2 December, 2014, children line up outside their school on the island of Ko Phra Tong near Khura Buri district, Phang Nga province. (Nicolas Asfouri / AFP Photo) Local Thai media reported last week on the Central Islamic Council of Thailand’s (CICOT) decision to...

Joint statement of the 22nd EU-ASEAN ministerial meeting

We, the Foreign Ministers of Member States of the European Union and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, the Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), gathered on 21 January...

Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum annual meeting set to begin in Siem Reap

The Handing-Over Ceremony of Hosting Authority from Vietnam to Cambodia for the 27th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum took place on April 25, 2018. BAYON RADIO VIA FACEBOOK The 27th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) officially begins on Tuesday in Siem Reap and will focus...

‘Clock’s ticking,’ EU tells Cambodia as trade scheme under threat

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - The European Union has warned Cambodia that the "clock is ticking" after it officially launched the process of suspending the country's valuable trade privileges over rights concerns, paving the way for a move that analysts warn would be "catastrophic" to its economy. The so-called Everything But...

Govt urged to stick to plan to abolish death penalty

PETALING JAYA: Prominent human rights lawyer Eric Paulsen (pix) has called on the government to stick to its plan to abolish death penalty in the country, and not to heed calls to abandon it. The Lawyers for Liberty co-founder said while public opinions were important when drawing up policies, human...

Cambodia Faces Next Trade-Sanctions Move by the European Union

The European Union moved closer to imposing trade sanctions against Cambodia as a result of alleged human-rights violations in the country. The European Commission in Brussels has asked EU national governments to give the green light by Jan. 29 for suspending a policy that lets Cambodia export all goods except...

New faces for Asean human rights commission

The Government has appointed Dr Shashi Jayakumar from the S. Raja-ratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) as Singapore's representative to an Asean commission which promotes human rights. His appointment will take effect from today, said the Foreign Affairs Ministry in a statement yesterday. Dr Jayakumar, who is taking over from veteran...

Former Secretary General of Asean, Dr Surin receives memorial award

Former Secretary General of Asean, Dr Surin Pitsuwan, received the memorable prize of the fourth Asia Cosmopolitan Awards (ACA) this afternoon in recognition of his contribution and leadership in promoting Asean integration and raising the bloc’s profile internationally. Fuadi Pitsuwan, on behalf of his father, received the award and thanked...