Home Statements



Malaysia: Activist Arbitrarily Stopped from Leaving Country to Receive Human Rights Award [FORUM – ASIA Press Statement]

FORUM-ASIA believes that the unlawful and arbitrary decision of Malaysian authorities to stop democracy activist from travelling to South Korea on 15 May to receive a human rights award is a brazen violation of her basic freedoms including freedom of movement. 16 May 2016 5:01 pm (Bangkok, 16 May 2016) –...

Cambodia: Civil Society Condemns Escalating Intimidation of Human Rights Defenders [Joint Organisations Statement]

Yesterday’s detention of eight human rights workers and activists was an egregious violation of the right to freedom of expression in Cambodia, civil society groups said today May 10, 2016 - Yesterday’s detention of eight human rights workers and activists was an egregious violation of the right to freedom of...

Free Poet Maung Saungkha [Burma Campaign UK release]

Maung Saungkha writes subversive poems and he stated that the “president” in his poem refers to all presidents in the world who are oppressing people. By Burma Campaign UK  •  May 12, 2016 Burma Campaign UK today called for the immediate and unconditional release of Maung Saungkha and urged the Burmese...

“Black Monday Campaign” Escalates as Community Reps Detained [LICADHO Flash News]

This morning, five land community representatives were arrested as people across and outside Cambodia marked the second “Black Monday Campaign” event to call for the release of five human rights defenders detained two weeks ago. Published on May 16, 2016 This morning, five land community representatives were arrested as people across...

Philippine elections should shine a spotlight on ASEAN’s fragile relationship with democracy, parliamentarians warn [APHR Statement]

Parliamentarians from across Southeast Asia joined today in a message of solidarity with the people of the Philippines, celebrating their ability to freely exercise their right to vote tomorrow under a genuinely democratic system, noting it was a privilege enjoyed in only a minority of ASEAN countries. JAKARTA – Parliamentarians...

Thailand: Accept and Implement UPR Recommendations to End the Rapid Deterioration of Human Rights [FORUM – ASIA Press Statement]

FORUM-ASIA calls on the Government of Thailand to take heed of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendations to end the rapid deterioration of the human rights situation in the country and return to democratic civilian rule. Geneva, 14 May 2016) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)...

“May 13” – A National Day of Reconciliation for All Malaysians [Pusat KOMAS Statement]

The government of the day must let history be its teacher and immediately take on the responsibility to ensure and guarantee a space where every Malaysian can truly feel and believe they have equal status in the nation. May 13, 2016 All Malaysians know May 13th.  We need no reminder. But...

Urgent Action: Halt the execution of Kho Jabing [SUARAM Press Statement]

We, the undersigned, are troubled by the imminent execution of Kho Jabing in Singapore, despite strong concerns over the development of his case. We believe there are strong grounds for President Tony Tan of the Republic of Singapore to grant clemency in this case. Urgent Action: Halt the execution of...

Days of Hope Dashed: What Hopes for Malaysian Workers? [SUARAM Press Statement]

The idea is to create an entirely new form of politics centered on direct popular power. When working class people are organized, they can start to believe in their capacity to change the world. DAYS OF HOPE DASHED; WHAT HOPES FOR MALAYSIAN WORKERS? May Day Message by Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM...

Civil Society Condemns Charging of Human Rights Defenders [Joint Press Statement]

Civil society reiterates its strong condemnation of the charges, demands the release on bail of the five and reaffirms the rights and fundamental freedoms of peaceful human rights defenders to conduct their activities free from threats and punishment. Joint Organizations May 2, 2016 - We, the undersigned human rights and other...