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Home CSO Events


Regional Consultation on Freedom of Expression for Civil Liberties; Political-Electoral Communication, Digital Surveillance and Access to the Internet

The 3-day consultation will be held at the Holiday Inn Silom Hotel located at 981 Silom Rd, Bangkok, 10500, Thailand (Tel: +66 (0)2 238 4300). The link to the website for the consultation is: Objectives of the Consultation To explore the most urgent opportunities and challenges facing freedom of expression...

Regional Consultation Meeting on Business and Human Rights Reporting and Assurance Frameworks Initiative (RAFI)

The project team of the Business and Human Rights Reporting and Assurance Frameworks Initiative (“RAFI”), consisting of Shift, Mazars, and HRRC, will be holding a regional consultation meeting on Friday, the 22nd of November at the Grande Centre Point Hotel Ratchadamri in Bangkok, Thailand.  The meeting will provide regional participants who have an interest in corporate...

ACSC/ APF 2014 – 3rd Regional Preparatory Meeting

National Organizing Committee (NOC) of the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ ASEAN People's Forum (ACSC/APF) announces that the 3rd Regional Preparatory Meeting of the ACSC/APF 2014 will be held on 12-13 January 2014, in Yangon - Myanmar. The venue for the meeting will be informed later.

Public Consultation on ASEAN

Maruah Invites you to a consultation on ASEAN. Maruah believes that community engagement is vital to improving the regional group and achieving the goal of creating an ASEAN Community by 2015. This session will give you the opportunity to learn more about ASEAN and its process and institutions through our review...

The Second Regional Consultation Meeting of the APF/ACSC 2014

Next year ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ ASEAN People Forum will be held in Myanmar as the chairing country of ASEAN. APF/ACSC 2014 Secretariat Office will organize the Second Regional Consultation Meeting as the following program. After the first regional consultation meeting, Regional Groups, Thai CSOs, Philippine CSOs, Vietnam CSOs and...

The 6th Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights

“Advancing Human Rights in ASEAN During the 2nd Term of ASEAN Human Rights Mechanisms (2012-2015)” The Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights is an ASEAN civil society initiative led by the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and SAPA Task Force on ASEAN and Human Rights (TFAHR)....