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Special Meeting

Coordination Meeting on CSR Thematic Study

AICHR determined the Thematic Study on Corporate Social Responsibility's framework, methodology and timeframe. National focal points are to submit their national study to Study Team Member (STM) on July 20, 2012. This will be a consolidated into a comprehensive report taking into account inputs from all member states.

9th Regular Meeting; 5th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration;

Discussed issues: Discussed the Principles of the Declaration for all sections. Some issues emerged as follow: - Some countries (especially Laos) insisted that the words of National and Regional specificity can be added which then refused by other member countries in AICHR. - There was...

4th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR discussed the sections of the Declaration on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Right to Development . AICHR approved the modality for consulting with the ASEAN sectorial bodies on the Declaration which would not include distributing the draft Declaration prior...

3rd Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR discussed the section of the Declaration on Civil and Political Rights and debated: a) the issue of enforced disappearances under the paragraph on the Right to Personal Liberty and Security; b) restrictions of rights, i.e. right to move, right to seek asylum. There was...

2nd Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR discussed and approved the method and modality for finalizing the AHRD. It also approved the basic elements to be incorporated into the Preamble and Substantive Rights parts of the Declaration. There was a debate on whether AHRD will adopt the whole technical languages offered by the...

ACWC Informal Meeting

ACWC discussed their five-year work plan, priority issues and the Rules of Procedures.

Special Meeting of AICHR

Special Meeting of AICHR

Implementation of the AICHR s Priority Programmes and Activities 2013. Several concept papers for upcoming workshops and trainings were adopted; among them were the Workshop on Combating Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children which is expected to be conducted in November 2013, the Training of the Trainers on...

8th Meeting of ACMW Drafting Team

The ACWC DT met to re-discuss chapters I - IV: 1.General Principles, 2.Definition of Migrant Workers, both documented/ regular and undocumented/irregular, 3.Fundamental Rights of Migrant Workers and Family Members 4.Specific Rights of Regular Migrant Workers. 14 articles were agreed to by 8 ASEAN Member States and two articles...