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Civil Society National Consultation on the Review of the AICHR TOR

The national consultation on the review of the AICHR ToR in the Philippines is one among series of activities conducted by FORUM-ASIA and its member organizations. The Philippines with its vibrant civil society movement and space for democracy are particularly important to strengthen civil society role in strengthening human...

Workshop on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Indonesia and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

During the Peoples’ Global Camp on the side of the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali, Alliance Sud and the Institute for National and Democratic Studies Organize a Workshop on The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Indonesia and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA): Is it a Chance or...

SAPA Working Group on ASEAN Writeshop: Review Framework on Civil Society Engagements with the ASEAN

How will be the review? For the review of the ASEAN: Review of the ASEAN Charter vis-à-vis the SAPA Peoples’ Charter Engaging the AICHR TOR review process, by encouraging other CSOs in the region to organize review processes at the grassroots, national and regional levels Engaging the ACWC TOR review process, by encouraging...

Talking ASEAN on ‘Regional Preventive Diplomacy: The Role of ASEAN in Managing Tensions in the Wider Asia-Pacific Region’

ASEAN Studies Program of The Habibie Center cordially invites you to attend our fifth public dialogue "Talking ASEAN on ‘Regional Preventive Diplomacy: The Role of ASEAN in Managing Tensions in the Wider Asia-Pacific Region" Speakers: H.E. Amb. Mr. Hasjim Djalal (Board of Experts of The Habibie Center); H.E. Amb. Mr. Hasjim Djalal...

Towards a Fairer Electoral System

“Towards a Fairer Electoral System” is a public forum organised by Bar Council Malaysia, working with Tindak Malaysia.  The public forum is designed to enlighten Malaysian voters about critical aspects of the delimitation or delineation process, how this has been done, its impact on election outcomes, and the alternatives...

Regional Consultation on Promoting the Freedom of Religion or Beliefs in ASEAN

Human  Rights Working  Group  (HRWG)  in  cooperation  with Indonesia’s Representative to AICHR, organize a two-day Dialogue bringing together AICHR  Representatives,  ACWC  Representatives,  civil  society  groups,  victims organizations,  national  human  rights  institutions,  UN Special  Rapporteur,  academes, media  and  government  officials  and  the  ASEAN  Secretariat  to  discuss  the status  of freedom...

Indonesia-Myanmar Dialogue for a Democratic Constitution, Free & Fair Elections and National Reconciliation

The Public Forum aims to relate the discussions, findings and outcomes of all the previous sessions of the closed roundtable discussion to the public. The key aim of the Public Forum is to give the public an opportunity to have an open discussion with the experts of the Indonesia...

4th Regional Consultation Meeting for Asean People Forum

The venue for the meeting would be Yangon YMCA, 263, 45th St, Maha Bandula Road, Yangon, Myanmar Further Contact: For further information please contact [email protected]  

ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People’s Forum 2014

At the close of the East Asia Summit in Brunei in October 2013, President Thein Sein accepted the gavel of ASEAN that symbolizes the presidency of ASEAN that was then officially transferred to Myanmar for 2014. Myanmar government has reaffirmed to the ASEAN and international community that they are...

ACSC/APF2014 Interface Meeting

ACSC/APF Interface Meeting is a venue for representatives of Civil Society Organizations from across ASEAN to have a dialogue with government representatives from their respective countries. Interface dialogue can and have taken different forms during the past 10 years of ACSC/APF.