December 15, 2013 - December 16, 2013
CSO Event
How will be the review?
For the review of the ASEAN:
- Review of the ASEAN Charter vis-à-vis the SAPA Peoples’ Charter
- Engaging the AICHR TOR review process, by encouraging other CSOs in the region to organize review processes at the grassroots, national and regional levels
- Engaging the ACWC TOR review process, by encouraging other CSOs in the region to organize review processes at the grassroots, national and regional levels
- Inviting other stakeholders, i.e., Parliamentarians, Academe, Media to participate in these review processes.
- Releasing a report card in 2015 to highlight ASEAN’s performance or non-performance on key deliverables, and to highlight peoples’ proposals for the Charter review and TOR reviews.
For the review of civil society engagement with the ASEAN:
- Working Group, Task Force, Regional Network, Regional Caucus level coordinated comprehensive reviews of their respective engagement processes.
- Assessment of the engagements reflecting successes and failures, vis participation in ASEAN processes; changes in policies, processes, mechanisms reflecting CS advocacies and policy proposals.
- Chapter reports for the different civil society thematic engagements with ASEAN, to be compiled into a book (like ASEAN@40 edited by J.Chavez and A. Chandra)
Both reviews will use an assessment tool to be formulated in a writeshop to be organized by the SAPA Working Group on ASEAN on October 1 and 2, 2013 on the sidelines of the 6th Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Expected Outputs and Timeframe
For the review of the ASEAN:
- Peoples’ Charter. SAPA WG on ASEAN will hire a writer who will draft the Peoples’ Charter to be presented to SAPA Plus at its Mid Year Regional Strategy Meeting in July 2014.
- Submissions to AICHR (TOR Recommendations). July 2014
- Submissions to ACWC (TOR Recommendations). July 2015
- Report Card on ASEAN’s Performance. July 2014
For the review of civil society engagement with the ASEAN:
- Assessment reports by working groups, task forces, regional networks. December 2013
- Consolidated report to be presented to SAPA Plus. February 2014
The writeshop will be held on:
Day/date : Sunday-Monday, 15-16 December 2013
Venue : Park Plaza Hotel, Sukhumvit Soi 18, Bangkok, Thailand
Further Contact
Joey Dimaandal, Programme Associate for ASEAN, The South East Asian Committee for Advocacy (SEACA) at: [email protected]