Home Statements


Thailand Detained Students-3

[Joint Statement] Thailand: NGO law would strike ‘severe blow’ to human rights

(Bangkok, 2 April 2021) The Thai authorities’ adoption of a draft law to regulate non-profit groups would strike a severe blow to human rights in Thailand, several international organizations said today. The bill is the latest effort by the Thai government to pass repressive legislation to muzzle civil society...

Cambodia: Convictions of environmental defenders clear cases of reprisals

Following the conviction of Mother Nature Cambodia’s environmental defenders for incitement, FORUM-ASIA Executive Director Shamini Darshni Kaliemuthu said: The convictions of Mother Nature’s environmental defenders Phuon Keoreaksmey, Long Kunthea, Thun Ratha, Chea Kunthin and Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson yesterday are clear cases of reprisals aimed at silencing environmental defenders who have continuously advocated...

[Joint Statement] New synergies to reduce torture and ill-treatment in policy custody in South East Asia

The Association for Prevention of Torture (APT), Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) in Malaysia, Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) and Cross Cultural Foundation (CrCF) in Thailand are launching a three and a half year cooperation, to foster national and regional synergies to prevent incommunicado detention and forced confession...

[Joint Statement] ASEAN: Leaders’ Meeting fails ASEAN peoples’ aspiration for human rights and democracy

(Bangkok, 30 April 2021) – ASEAN has failed to recognise the peoples’ desire for a meaningful political solution to the Myanmar crisis during its Leaders’ Meeting,’ said the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), along with its member organisations from Indonesia and Myanmar in a joint statement...

[Open Letter to ASEAN] On ASEAN’s Consensus on Myanmar

Click here to download the pdf file. Your Excellencies, It has been just over a week since a Five-Point Consensus on Myanmar was reached at the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting on 24 April 2021 between all ASEAN leaders and Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. Although the consensus called for an immediate cessation of violence...
asean flag

[Open Letter to ASEAN Leaders] Recommendations from CSOs in Myanmar and in Southeast Asia to the Special ASEAN Summit on Myanmar

23 April 2021 Open Letter to ASEAN Leaders: Recommendations from CSOs in Myanmar and in Southeast Asia to the Special ASEAN Summit on Myanmar To: Leaders of the Member States of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Your Excellencies, In alignment with the upcoming Special ASEAN Summit on Myanmar on 24 April...

[Joint Statement] Provide Humanitarian Aid in the Thai-Myanmar Border Area

The civil society organisations on the name list below are working for providing humanitarian aids to those Myanmar people who escaped violence after the military coup staged by General Min Aung Hlaing on 1 February 2021. Many Myanmar people have been killed, and a number of them have moved...

[Statement] ASEAN: Engagement with civil society critical for promotion and protection of human rights

(Bangkok/Jakarta, 8 April 2021) — Sustained critical engagement between civil society organisations and the ASEAN human rights body is essential for the promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN and it needs to be part of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Term of Reference, said the Asian...

[Joint statement] International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and State Donors: Stop loans and fully reassess Myanmar policy in light of coup d’état Do not fund the military junta or its cronies

To the international community, and in particular, IFIs and States, We urge you, in the strongest terms, to immediately freeze and comprehensively reassess your lending relationship with Myanmar, in light of the 1 February 2021 coup d’état by the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw). The coup was illegal, even under the Tatmadaw-designed...

[Joint Statement] Malaysia: End attempts to silence lawyer and human rights defender Charles Hector

(Bangkok, 24 March 2021) – Attempts to intimidate Malaysian lawyer and human rights defender (HRD) Charles Hector for his work amount to harassment with the ultimate aim of silencing the people he represents, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and Front Line Defenders said in a...