Special Meeting

Special Meeting of the AICHR

The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) convened a Special Meeting on 8 – 9 March 2014 at the ASEAN Secretariat. The Special Meeting was chaired by H.E. U Kyaw Tint Swe, the Representative of Myanmar and the Chair of the AICHR. The Meeting discussed the contributions of the...

AICHR Special Meeting

To Meet with the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM)

8th Meeting of ACMW Drafting Team

The ACWC DT met to re-discuss chapters I - IV: 1.General Principles, 2.Definition of Migrant Workers, both documented/ regular and undocumented/irregular, 3.Fundamental Rights of Migrant Workers and Family Members 4.Specific Rights of Regular Migrant Workers. 14 articles were agreed to by 8 ASEAN Member States and two articles...

7th Meeting of ACMW Drafting Team

The ACMW DT discussed Chapter III on the Fundamental Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families and Chapter VI on the Obligations of Receiving States. The DT agreed to re-discuss chapters I - IV during their 8th meeting in order to try to reach an consensus on...

8th Meeting of the High Level Panel on an ASEAN Human Rights Body

The High Level Panel completed the first draft of the Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Human Rights Body. The Panel announced that the Terms of Reference will be submitted to the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting on 27 February 2009, 'in order to attain their inputs and guidance'.

7th Meeting of the High Level Panel on an ASEAN Human Rights Body

At this meeting the High Level Panel met with the Chair of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly as well as the Chairs of sectoral bodies responsible for the promotion and protection of the rights of women, children and migrant workers to discuss the Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Human Rights...

2nd Meeting of the High Level Panel on an ASEAN Human Rights Body

Agreed on the work plan, HLP will draw on guidance provided by ASEAN Foreign Ministers in Singapore, previous discussions of the High Level Task Force on the Drafting of the ASEAN Charter (HLTF) on the subject and existing ASEAN instruments and international human rights instruments

6th Meeting of the High Level Panel on an ASEAN Human Rights Body

The High Level Panel agreed that the ASEAN Human Rights Body should have at least 2 regular meetings per year with the possibility to have additional meetings as necessary.The Panel also agreed that the ASEAN Human Rights Body should report to the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting. The Panel also...