Home ASEAN Activities
ACMW Workshop on the Scope and Coverage & Right of Migrant Workers
ACMW representatives discussed the scope of the Instrument for the implementation of the declaration. The outcome of the workshop was brought to the 1st ACMW-IDT meeting as a summary. Malaysia was not present at this workshop.
1st Meeting of ACMW Drafting Team
The ACMW-DT agreed upon an outline for an ASEAN instrument on migrant workers which was the result of recommendations of a ACMW workshop held in Manila.
2nd Meeting of ACMW Drafting Team
Indonesia and the Philippines were tasked with developing an initial draft based on the Outline agreed upon in the first ACMW-DT meeting.
2nd ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour
The 2nd ASEAN Forum on Migrant and Labour was attended by government representatives from Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC). Representatives from various international organisations including International Labour Organisation (ILO) and International Organisation for Migration (IOM), non-governmental organisations (NGOs),...
2nd Meeting of ACMW
Discussing terms of reference, work plan, and producing the Zero Draft
3rd Meeting of ACMW
ACMW decided that: a) the instrument on migrant workers rights drafting team should continue its work; b) ACMW would explore innovative approaches to reaching consensus, for example by firstly focusing on common ground amongst the Member States and c) expansion of the drafting team members.
3rd ASEAN Forum on Migrant and Labour
With the theme of with the theme of Enhancing Awareness and Information Services to Protect the Rights of Migrant Workers, the 3rd ASEAN Forum on Migrant and Labour made key recommendations on the implementation of the 2007 Declaration on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of...
21st ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting
Labour Ministers instructed the Drafting Team to continue its works using innovative approaches to reach consensus and expanding the members of drafting team to include Vietnam and Laos. However, the Labour Ministers also put some conditions on the matter by articulating that the...