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6th Meeting of ACMW Drafting Team

The ACMW DT: 1. Discussed Chapter II of the 2nd version of the zero draft ASEAN instrument on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers. 2. Changed the order of Chapter V and Chapter VI to: Chapter V : Obligation of sending states and Chapter VI:...

22nd ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting

The ASEAN Labour Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to support the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers. They agreed to take a phased approach in the development of the instrument, starting by focusing on issues which are comfortable with ASEAN...

4th Meeting of ACMW

ACMW discussed: regulations aimed at protecting the rights of migrant workers, the development of protocols to provide migrant workers with education and training before their overseas placement, protection of migrant workers employed outside ASEAN, establishment of cooperation with bodies dealing with transnational crimes and development of ways to scrap...

ACMW Workshop on the Scope and Coverage & Right of Migrant Workers

ACMW representatives discussed the scope of the Instrument for the implementation of the declaration. The outcome of the workshop was brought to the 1st ACMW-IDT meeting as a summary. Malaysia was not present at this workshop.

1st Meeting of ACMW

The ACMW representatives met for the first time and agreed upon a terms of reference and work plan.

7th ACWC Meeting

The ACWC finalized the Draft Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (VAW) and Elimination of Violence Against Children (VAC).

ACWC Expert Meeting to Develop a Study Framework on Economic Rights of Women to Land and Property in ASEAN Countries

This meeting obtained expert input on the design and implementation of a mapping of women s economic rights to land and property in the ASEAN Member States. The meeting will be followed up with production of a final study design and

6th ACWC Meeting

Exploring collaboration with ASEAN sectoral bodies. The ACWC will also engage civil society in the implementation of its projects by tapping on their expertise. For this purpose, the Meeting discussed workable mechanisms of civil society engagement in the implementation of the ACWC Work Plan.