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2nd Meeting of the Drafting Group of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

The Drafting Group agreed upon some of paragraphs in the Declaration Preamble.

AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society

The Thai Representative to the AICHR presented on AICHR's work to date.

AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society

The Indonesian Representative to the AICHR presented on the documents adopted by AICHR, its interaction with external parties - including its dialogue with the Inter-America Human Rights Institutions - the process of drafting AHRD, AICHR's thematic studies on Corporate Social Responsibility & Human Rights and Migration, its relation...

44th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM)

AICHR submitted its first annual report to the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN. The Report is not public.

The 1st Meeting of the Drafting Group of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

The Drafting Group was officially formed and met AICHR for the first time. AICHR briefed the drafting group on the Declaration's content, stating that: the Declaration should consider national and regional specificities; respect the differences in political background, history, culture, religion of the ASEAN Member States; balance rights and...

6th Regular Meeting of AICHR

AICHR discussed its Annual Budget, Five-Year Work Plan, its Annual Report to the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting, and several proposed activities. AICHR also met with the following Stakeholder: The Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Office of the High Commissioner...

AICHR Study Tour to Europe

All ten members of AICHR conducted a Study Tour to Europe to learn more about the European experience in the promotion and protection of human rights at the regional level. The visit included meetings with European Union institutions, civil society organizations, the Strasbourg Human Rights Court, the Council of...

4th Regular Meeting of AICHR

AICHR's press release stated that, during the meeting, it had adopted its rules of procedure, now called the 'Guidelines of Operations'. Due to the objectives of some Representatives over the Guidelines, they were not finally adopted until March 2012. AICHR also discussed the Terms of Reference of the ASEAN...

AICHR Study Tour to the United States

During the visit, AICHR Representatives met with US State Department, Officials of the US Congress, various UN agencies, the Inter-American Human Rights Commission and other stakeholders

43rd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM)

The AMM approved AICHR s work plan and budget for 2010-2011. The AMM requested AICHR prepare an indicative budget for the 2010-2015 budget. The AMM stressed the importance of aligning ACWC and other ASEAN Sectoral Bodies' work with that of AICHR.