Home Statements



Think Centre 2016 Labour Day Message

Let us all commemorate the day in solidarity with millions of workers around the world. No matter where we live, whatever we do, this is an important day to celebrate the achievements of the workers struggle for the 8-hours work-day. Ever wondered how much the uncles and aunties who clean...

Thailand: Five years on, international organizations renew their call for the release of Somyot Phrueksakasemsuk [FORUM – ASIA Press Statement]

On the eve of the five-year anniversary of his detention, we, the undersigned international organizations, condemn the ongoing and arbitrary deprivation of liberty of human rights defender Somyot Phrueksakasemsuk and call on Thailand’s authorities to immediately and unconditionally release him. 29 April 2016, On the eve of the five-year anniversary of...
deklarasi rakyat

Democratic Practices must be Protected and not Punished [SUARAM Press Statement]

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) condemns the recent string of investigation against advocates and supporters of the Citizen Declaration (Deklarasi Rakyat). For Immediate Release 21st April 2016 Democratic Practices must be Protected and not Punished Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) condemns the recent string of investigation against advocates and supporters of the Citizen Declaration (Deklarasi...

Regional MPs concerned by Thailand’s draft constitution and planned referendum [APHR Press Statement]

Parliamentarians from across Southeast Asia have expressed deep concerns about Thailand’s new draft constitution, as well as a planned referendum on the charter, highlighting an apparent effort by the military government to strengthen and prolong its control over Thai politics and stifle open debate JAKARTA — Parliamentarians from across Southeast...

Open Letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker [FIDH – KontraS]

We call on you to demand Indonesia stop all executions and introduce an official moratorium on the use of the death penalty as an initial step toward the abolition of capital punishment. Paris, Jakarta, 20 April 2016 Mr. President, We wish to express our serious concern regarding important human rights issues in...

Press Release of the 21st Meeting of the AICHR, 5 – 9 April 2016, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta

In 2016, the AICHR will embark on activities on the following themes: trafficking in persons; rights of persons with disabilities; human rights, environment and climate change. Posted on: 9 April, 2016 The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) convened its 21st Meeting at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta from 5...
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Torture and Killing of Indigenous People [TFDP URGENT APPEAL]

The Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) is forwarding to you an appeal regarding the torture and killing of three indigenous people. URGENT APPEAL April 13, 2016 (PHILIPPINES) Torture and Killing of Indigenous People ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) is forwarding to you an appeal regarding the torture and...

Release of political prisoners in Myanmar represents a positive step [APHR Press Statement]

Among those still in prison are two interfaith activists who were sentenced Friday by a Mandalay court to two additional years in prison with hard labor under the Unlawful Associations Act. JAKARTA — Parliamentarians from across Southeast Asia welcomed the release of over 100 political prisoners in Myanmar, expressing their...

Edmund Bon replaces Shafee as Asean human rights committee chair

Human rights lawyer Edmund Bon has been appointed as the new Malaysian chairman for the Asean Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), replacing Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah. BY YAP TZU GING KUALA LUMPUR, April 1 — Human rights lawyer Edmund Bon has been appointed as the new Malaysian...

Maritime movements of the Rohingya and recommendations to improve human rights protection for Rohingya refugees [Submission to the AICHR]

APRRN has submitted to the AICHR an analysis of the situation of maritime movements of Rohingya refugees in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, including recommendations to improve human rights protection for Rohingya refugees in the ASEAN region.  The Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) has submitted to the...