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ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society

The Thai Representative to the AICHR presented on AICHR's work to date.

Interface Meeting with ASEAN Foreign Ministers at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the 20th ASEAN Summit

The meeting discussed the progress on the drafting of the AHRD

1st AICHR Regional Consultation with ASEAN Sectorial Bodies

AICHR met with ASEAN sectorial bodies to receive input on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration. AICHR did not share a copy of the draft Declaration prior to or during the consultation. Some sectorial bodies stated that this kind of consultation is a good practice and should continued in...

AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society

The Indonesian Representative to the AICHR presented on the documents adopted by AICHR, its interaction with external parties - including its dialogue with the Inter-America Human Rights Institutions - the process of drafting AHRD, AICHR's thematic studies on Corporate Social Responsibility & Human Rights and Migration, its relation...

AICHR Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Workshop on CSR and Human Rights

The workshop aimed to provide participants with conceptual understanding and practical experiences on link between business and human rights and relevant international standards and frameworks; knowledge of different approaches to address CSR issues in ASEAN and Australia including mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement, and providing access to remedies; and...

9th Regular Meeting; 5th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration;

Discussed issues: Discussed the Principles of the Declaration for all sections. Some issues emerged as follow: - Some countries (especially Laos) insisted that the words of National and Regional specificity can be added which then refused by other member countries in AICHR. - There was...

44th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM)

AICHR submitted its first annual report to the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN. The Report is not public.

Round Table Discussion and First Coordination Meeting of the AICHR Thematic Study on Migration and Human Rights

This meeting and discussion on AICHR's Thematic Study on Migration and Human Rights was facilitated by the Indonesian Representative to AICHR. The Round Table Discussion was attended by several speakers from various International Organizations as well as representatives of different stakeholders in Southeast Asia.

4th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR discussed the sections of the Declaration on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Right to Development . AICHR approved the modality for consulting with the ASEAN sectorial bodies on the Declaration which would not include distributing the draft Declaration prior...

The 1st Meeting of the Drafting Group of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

The Drafting Group was officially formed and met AICHR for the first time. AICHR briefed the drafting group on the Declaration's content, stating that: the Declaration should consider national and regional specificities; respect the differences in political background, history, culture, religion of the ASEAN Member States; balance rights and...