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2022 Timor-Leste Presidential Election: A Celebration of Democracy amid COVID-19

The 2022 Timor-Leste Presidential Election demonstrated how democracy is celebrated and strong in the country, said the Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL) in the final comprehensive report on its observation of the election. ANFREL released the report on Tuesday, 28 June 2022, and thanked the electoral stakeholders for their...

Business and Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Developing National Action Plans

On 14 December 2021, Asia Centre in collaboration with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast and East Asia launched their book "Business and Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Developing National Action Plans". The book examines the progress made in Southeast Asia towards developing National Action Plans (NAPs) on Business...

Civil Society Organization Sustainability is Deteriorating in Thailand

The Manushya Foundation in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development, FHI360, and the International Center for Not-For-Profit Law wrote Thailand's CSO Sustainability Index Report (2020 Edition), reviewing the strength and overall viability of civil society actors in the country. With the participation of community leaders, CSO...

[Report] Going Nowhere: Fact-finding Mission Report on Indigenous Communities, Fisherfolk: Harassment, Poverty and Climate Change in Indonesia

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and the Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) are proud to present Going Nowhere: Fact-finding Mission Report on Indigenous Communities, Fisherfolk: Harassment, Poverty and Climate Change in Indonesia. This report is a continuation of FORUM-ASIA’s exploratory research designed to deepen its understanding of the...

ANNI Report 2020 on the Performance of National Human Rights Institutions

The Asian NGO Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI) launched the ANNI Report 2020 on the Performance of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), that critically assesses the performance of NHRIs against the Paris Principles in 2020. The Paris Principles are the minimum international standards for ensuring independent, effective, and...

[PUBLICATION] Outcome Document from the Virtual Conference on ‘Human Rights in the Time of COVID-19: Addressing the Crisis in Southeast Asia’

COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc throughout Southeast Asia. The health crisis has also catalysed the rise of authoritarianism, the over-securitisation of societies, and systemic efforts to suppress democracy, human rights, and fundamental freedoms in the region. Hence, it is critical to activate, strengthen and protect spaces and mechanisms for...

[Report] Defending in Numbers: A Message of Strength from the Ground 2019 – 2020

For an interactive summary of this report, please click here. Defending In Numbers is a biennial report that reviews the situation of human rights defenders (HRDs) across Asia as documented by FORUM-ASIA. This particular edition of the report, Defending In Numbers — A Message of Strength from the Ground, follows previous editions of...

[REPORT] Dictating the Internet: Curtailing Free Expression, Opinion and Information Online in Southeast Asia

In this report, the ICJ focuses its analysis on Thailand. The updated information and analysis show how State authorities have continued abusing laws that in any event are not compliant with human rights law and standards to intensify their arbitrary restrictions on human rights in the digital sphere. The...

[REPORT] Timor Leste: Internet Freedoms Under Threat

The Asia Centre has recently published a report entitled “Timor-Leste: Internet Freedoms Under Threat”, followed by an op-ed piece entitled “Timor-Leste’s internet freedoms at risk” in the Jakarta Post, and the UPR submission "Internet Freedoms Under Threat in Timor-Leste". There are also links to the event write-up of the...

[BRIEF] One Vision, Different Responses: An Analysis of ASEAN Member States’ Responses to the Myanmar Coup and Recommendations

Since the Myanmar military seized power in a coup d’état on 1 February 2021, military forces have arbitrarily arrested, charged or sentenced at least 3,331 people and killed at least 739 others, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.1 The military is now increasingly repressing independent media through...