Universal Periodic Review in Southeast Asia: An Evidence-Based Regional Assesment

September 15, 2016 - September 17, 2016
CSO Event

The UPR is a universal mechanism under the Human Rights Council that reviews the human rights situation in all 193 UN Member States once every four and a half years. By May 2016, all Southeast Asian states would have undergone two review cycles of their respective human rights situations under the UPR process.

The UPR is a universal mechanism under the Human Rights Council that reviews the human rights situation in all 193 UN Member States once every four and a half years. By May 2016, all Southeast Asian states would have undergone two review cycles of their respective human rights situations under the UPR process. The region is politically diverse with member states varying in their national human rights protection systems, ratification of UN human rights instruments and level of civil society engagement. In relation to the UPR process, a key issue is how it contributes to the advancement of human rights in the region and what role it plays in relation to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and national human rights institutions (NHRIs). This conference seeks to critically examine the UPR process through evidence-based research to evaluate its impact on Southeast Asian states and societies.

Key themes that will be treated are:
– Human Rights protection gaps
– Challenges for civil society engagement
– Identifying Best Practices
– UPR Recommendations and Follow-up Processes
– Role of other actors – National human rights institutions and Academia

Abstract Submission: Until 30 May, 2016
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 15 June, 2016
Full paper submission: 15 August, 2016

Host: Asia Centre
[email protected]

Further Contact

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