Regional Consultation on Promoting the Freedom of Religion or Beliefs in ASEAN

February 19, 2014 - February 20, 2014
CSO Event

Human  Rights Working  Group  (HRWG)  in  cooperation  with Indonesia’s Representative to AICHR, organize a two-day Dialogue bringing together AICHR  Representatives,  ACWC  Representatives,  civil  society  groups,  victims organizations,  national  human  rights  institutions,  UN Special  Rapporteur,  academes, media  and  government  officials  and  the  ASEAN  Secretariat  to  discuss  the status  of freedom religion  and  belief  and  to  come  up  with  collective  action  plan  as  well  as  with recommendation for ASEAN organs to further respect the freedom of religion and belief.

This  regional  consultation  is  a continuation effort from the  regional  meeting  that  was organized  by  HRWG  on  November  2012  with  civil  society  organizations from ASEAN countries.
The main objective of this regional consultation is to come up with the Guidebook on the respect  of  freedom  of  religion or belief  in  ASEAN  region  with  the  following  specific purposes:
  1. To gather  country’s situational  analysis,  perspective,  anecdotal  incidences  and responses  regarding  the implementation  of  Constitutional  rights  of  freedom  of religion (and belief) in ASEAN countries,
  2. To  consolidate  collective plan  of  action  and recommendations  on  policy, mechanism  and/ or  programs to  uphold  the  freedom  of  religion  or  belief  in ASEAN.
Hotel Santika Slipi Jakarta, Jalan AIPDA K.S. Tubun No. 7, Slipi, Jakarta 11410 – INDONESIA Phone: (62-21) 5361777, 5330350
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