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Foundational Course on Business and Human Rights [Ateneo de Manila University]

The Ateneo Human Rights Center and the Ateneo School of Law, in partnership with the ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility network would like to invite you to participate in a Foundational Course on Business and Human Rights that we are organizing on 19-23 October 2015 at the Ateneo Professional Schools,...

[CSR Asia] The Business Case for Working with Myanmar Diaspora

This event follows on from our event in Yangon in January 2015, where we invited leading companies operating in Myanmar to discuss ways to invest in returning refugees and migrant workers. Date:  Tuesday, 17 November 2015 Location:  Bangkok Course Overview: This event follows on from our event in Yangon in January 2015, where...

[CRC-ASIA] Regional Consultation on the Elimination of Violence against Children and Improved Public Investment on Children

The consultation is open to members of civil society organizations and the academe that are actively advocating for children’s rights and social budgeting in Asia-Pacific. Representatives of government agencies focusing on social welfare, children’s rights, and public finance will also attend the consultation. Children will have a separate session,...

Promoting the Realization of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Southeast Asia: A press briefing by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Join the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt, for an informative overview on the current status of freedom of religion or belief in Southeast Asia and how we could work towards the fuller realization of this right in the region. 7:30pm, Thursday 1 October,...

[APPRN & IHRP Mahidol University] Short Course on Advocacy and Refugee Rights

The Short Course on Advocacy and Refugee Rights is an initiative organised by the Legal Aid and Advocacy Working Group (LAAWG) of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) and the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) at Mahidol University. The course aims to strengthen participants’ capacity,...

#BEChat : Coming Out – A Twitter Discussion with LGBT Groups in Southeast Asia

Do Asian LGBTs really need to come out when mothers have excellent LGBT radar? How was your coming out experience? Do Asian LGBTs really need to come out when mothers have excellent LGBT radar? How was your coming out experience? Join BE peer support web-app in a #BEChat on Coming Out...

Press conference and panel discussion: Sombath Somphone: 1,000 Days Without Justice

FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) and The Sombath Initiative Sombath Somphone: 1,000 Days Without Justice Press conference and panel discussion 10:30am, Friday September 11, 2015 This is not an FCCT-sponsored event. It is a paid function and responsibility for program content is solely that of the event organizer On the evening of December...

ASEAN Responsible Business Forum

Join us at The ASEAN Responsible Business Forum, a high-level regional platform that brings together government officials, civil society and businesses in a multi-stakeholder platform to discuss the burning issues of the day and share best practices of responsible business or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The theme of the...

[APWLD] 2nd Asia Pacific “Women Leading, Women Organising” training

With the success of its first training, APWLD will hold its 2nd ‘Women Leading, Women Organizing’ training in Manila, Philippines from 14th to 18thNov. It is important to note that the Ministerial Meeting of theAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) will be held on18th-19thNov, thus providing the trade union training...

The 8th Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights: Migration and Human Rights in ASEAN

The Regional Consultation serves as a platform for strengthening engagement of civil society with the ASEAN Human Rights Mechanisms, namely the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), and the ASEAN Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC); and for discussing the...