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Tag: Rule of Law / Justice

SBY urged to stop human rights discrimination

The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), a non-governmental organization advocating human rights issues, wants President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to make use of the last five months of his term of office to stop all forms and manifestations of human rights discrimination in Indonesia. “In the last...

EU Asked to Push for Improved Human Rights in Laos

BANGKOK: The European Union (EU) must make the strengthening of bilateral relations with Laos contingent upon the Lao government's ability to make tangible progress in addressing key human rights issues, FIDH and it member organisation, the Lao Movement for Human Rights, said today.   The two organisations made the call in...

Security Offences Act violates human rights, says Suaram

Non-governmental organisation Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) today sent a memorandum of protest to the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) on the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), which it said deprives detainees of their rights and gives full power to the police and courts. Suaram representative Syukri Razab...

SE Asia’s heavyweight human rights violator still flying under radar

Facing mounting pressure from the international community and seeking trade and security commitments, the Vietnamese government recently released five prisoners of conscience. I was one of them. Such releases are always welcome, but they should not be confused with actual human rights improvements. There are an estimated 400 prisoners of...

The real danger of what Najib said

I never thought I’d live to see the day when a prime minister of a so-called modern and progressive nation would say negative things about liberalism, secularism, humanitarianism and human rights. God forbid that such a prime minister would be a Malaysian one. And yet this has come to pass....

Asia’s shaky commitment to human rights

Recent events in Asia have highlighted the sorry character of many states in their supposed commitment to human rights. The silence and failure of Asian governments to act on rights abuses erode the façade of witty rhetoric, and expose the true nature of their administrations.  On May 15, six armed...

Indonesian election candidates the focus of human rights concerns

Jakarta: Both teams in the Indonesian presidential election have human rights concerns hanging over their candidates according to the global organisation Human Rights Watch. The campaign of Prabowo Subianto, a former general and head of the special forces Kopassus, has been dogged by accusations that his unit kidnapped and tortured...

Former Hitman Describes Contract Killings in Philippines

(Manila) -- The Philippine government should investigate an alleged “death squad” implicated in several hundred killings in Tagum City on the southern island of Mindanao, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today. Official police records obtained by Human Rights Watch show 298 killings between January 2007...

EU ambassador hopes new RI president will uphold human rights

European Union Ambassador to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN Olof Skoog, said he hoped whoever was elected Indonesia's next president and vice president would continue to develop democracy, strengthen tolerance and uphold human rights. "We hope that whoever is chosen will be an open leader, especially toward their own people,"...

Thailand’s Martial Law Declaration Blasted By Human Rights Advocates, US Not (Yet) Calling It A Coup

The Thai military has forced 10 television channels off the air within 24 hours of its declaring martial law on Tuesday, signaling the beginning of what may be a fierce censorship campaign and, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW) officials an attempt at a coup.  John Sifton, Asia advocacy director...