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Tag: Rule of Law / Justice

THAILAND: Crime of the State: Enforced disappearance, killings and impunity

In October 2003, Jawa Jalo, an ethnic Lahu, was captured by armed state officials during a search of a litchi farm in a northern border province. Although the officials who captured him reported to their commanders that no illicit drugs were found on Jawa, they still decided to take...

Brunei bringing in legal system that includes stoning and flogging

The Sultan of Brunei, one of the world's wealthiest rulers, will this week oversee his country's transition to a system of Islamic law with punishments that include flogging, the dismemberment of limbs and stoning to death. The 67-year-old absolute monarch declared last year that he wanted to introduce a full...

Thailand: Separatists Targeting Teachers in South

(Bangkok) – Separatist insurgents in Thailand’s southern border provinces should immediately end attacks on teachers and other civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. Since January 2014, insurgents have killed three ethnic Thai Buddhist teachers in the conflict-ridden region. “Separatists need to stop attacking those who are educating children,” said Brad...

Burma: ASEAN activist meet-up raises worrying parallels with Cambodia

Three thousand members of civil society from across ASEAN met in Burma earlier this month to discuss human rights and development, including the record of the host country. Not so long ago such a gathering would have been unthinkable and the event marked another symbolic step in the country’s reform...

Activists challenge ‘trumped up’ charges against Philippines dissidents

Human rights groups today held a protest action outside the Manila Regional Trial Court to condemn the laying of false charges against activists and alleged communist rebel leaders.  "The revival of these trumped up charges ... signals the intensification of political persecution," said Cristina Palabay, secretary general of the Karapatan...

Current Philippine Government And Military Using ongoing Extra-Judicial Killings Targeting Activists, Poor, Left

On March 25, William Bugatti, a 43 year old human rights worker for Karapatan, one of the Philippines main human rights organizations, was shot to death. He was the 12th activist killed so far this year. On March 15 Romeo Capalla, 65, chairperson of the Panay Fair Trade Center,...

Int’l protesters demand democratic rights for Papuan prisoners

At least 100 protesters demanded the immediate release of 76 political prisoners in Papua outside the Indonesian Embassy in London, UK, on Wednesday, in a peaceful rally organized by TAPOL, Survival International and Amnesty International UK. The protesters called on Indonesia’s political parties and candidates to state their support for...

UN blasts Rohingya’s exclusion from Myanmar census

The United Nations has expressed concern over the exclusion of Myanmar’s long-persecuted Rohingya Muslims from the country’s first census in decades. On Wednesday, the UN accused Myanmar of deviating from its commitment that the census will be exercised in accordance with international standards and human rights principles. In a statement, the...

Ta’ang people face increasing human rights abuses

A Ta'ang Women’s Organisation have said that their ethnic community are facing increasing human rights abuses due to an increased military presence and growing opium production.  Dede Poe Kyein, general secretary of the Ta'ang Women Organisation, made the remark during a discussion on ‘Citizens' Participation in the Peace Process’ held...

END POLICE ABUSES: Human Rights Watch points out excessive use of force, shootings, deaths in custody

Kuala Lumpur – The Malaysian government should urgently adopt reforms to ensure accountability for deaths in custody and unjustified police shootings, Human Rights Watch said today in a new report. Independent, external oversight of the Royal Malaysia Police is needed to end police cover-ups, excessive secrecy, and obstruction of...