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Tag: Regional Human Rights System

Thailand gears up for ASEAN Summit in Myanmar

Thailand is set to focus on creating democracy, human rights, national security, and resolving regional conflicts during the upcoming 24th ASEAN Summit during May 10-11 in Myanmar. The Department of ASEAN Affairs said the meeting in Nay Pyi Taw would allow ASEAN leaders to review progress in building the ASEAN...

Asean centrality rests on peoples not leaders

When the Asean senior officials got together recently in Singapore for the discussion on South China Sea, the situation in Ukraine was discussed on the sideline. There was a proposal from some Asean members to issue a joint statement on the annexation of Crimea by Russia. But they could not...

Asean must act on Rohingya plight – GMM & Proham

Asean must give serious consideration to the plight of the Rohingya in Myanmar, especially as Asean heads of state and leaders will gather at Naypyidaw on May 10 and 11 for the 24th Asean Summit. It is also an appropriate time as Myanmar serves as the Asean Chair for 2014...

Govt succeeds in keeping Rohingya off ASEAN Summit agenda

The plight of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims was left off the agenda as leaders from Southeast Asia gathered in Nay Pyi Taw for the ASEAN Summit this weekend. The failure to discuss the issue drew criticism from rights groups, who called for a more active stance on human rights issues. U...

Civil society delegates boycott ASEAN meeting

Civil society leaders from around the region, scheduled to meet with ASEAN heads of government in Naypyidaw, have refused to participate in the interface meeting scheduled for Sunday, citing interference from some Southeast Asian governments. The half-hour meeting is an initiative of the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People’s Forum (ACSC/APF),...

DON’T LIKE HUMAN RIGHTS, NAJIB? Leave the United Nations then!

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has attacked a new so-called ‘religion’ he dubs “human rightism ” whose “core beliefs are based on humanism and secularism as well as liberalism.” He has painted these as threats to Islam. The next logical step for the PM is to tender Malaysia’s resignation from...

How Thailand is contributing to the misery of Burma’s persecuted Rohingya

FOR SOME time now, tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing persecution and economic deprivation in Burma, also known as Myanmar, by boat. While some go off to work and send money home, others have staked all on a permanent exodus, setting sail in search of better...

EU Asked to Push for Improved Human Rights in Laos

BANGKOK: The European Union (EU) must make the strengthening of bilateral relations with Laos contingent upon the Lao government's ability to make tangible progress in addressing key human rights issues, FIDH and it member organisation, the Lao Movement for Human Rights, said today.   The two organisations made the call in...

SE Asia’s heavyweight human rights violator still flying under radar

Facing mounting pressure from the international community and seeking trade and security commitments, the Vietnamese government recently released five prisoners of conscience. I was one of them. Such releases are always welcome, but they should not be confused with actual human rights improvements. There are an estimated 400 prisoners of...

Asia’s shaky commitment to human rights

Recent events in Asia have highlighted the sorry character of many states in their supposed commitment to human rights. The silence and failure of Asian governments to act on rights abuses erode the façade of witty rhetoric, and expose the true nature of their administrations.  On May 15, six armed...