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Home Tags Migrant Rights

Tag: Migrant Rights

Thai Tensions Worrisome for Migrant Laborers, Rights Workers Say

WASHINGTON DC — Rights workers say they are concerned for the safety of Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand, as political tensions in that country deepen. The Thai military declared martial law there this week, following violent demonstrations. It has also temporarily closed its borders with Cambodia, officials said. This could complicate...

Guest Workers Flee Thai Military Coup

No one knows where the rumors started, but they traveled fast among Thailand’s community of undocumented Cambodian laborers. BANGKOK—No one knows where the rumors started, but they traveled fast among Thailand’s community of undocumented Cambodian laborers. In the aftermath of the Thai military coup, they said, a crackdown was coming....

From Myanmar to Malaysia, Rohingya Hussain Ahmad’s incredible trek to peace

Six years ago, Rohingya refugee Hussain Ahmad swam across the Naf River in Myanmar into Bangladesh, crossed over to Thailand by boat and entered Malaysia illegally on foot, walking for days at a time. CHERAS, June 23 — Six years ago, Rohingya refugee Hussain Ahmad swam across the Naf River...

Human Rights Group Seeks Better Conditions For Thailand’s Migrants

Thai authorities should treat migrant workers humanely and with compassion even as they pursue their relentless campaign against human traffickers in the country, a human rights activist has said here. Thai authorities should treat migrant workers humanely and with compassion even as they pursue their relentless campaign against human traffickers...

DFA: PHL labor officials probing ‘discount maids’ in Singapore

Philippine officials in Singapore are looking into possible human rights violations committed against Filipino maids following reports that they are being peddled in malls there. Philippine officials in Singapore are looking into possible human rights violations committed against Filipino maids following reports that they are being peddled in malls there. At...

Thailand To Deport Burmese Refugees, Activists Decry Lack Of Clear And Transparent Policy

Thailand’s military junta stated on Monday that it is planning to deport more than 100,000 Burmese refugees living in camps along its border with Myanmar, Reuters reported Monday. Thailand’s military junta stated on Monday that it is planning to deport more than 100,000 Burmese refugees living in camps along its...

Thailand: Migrant Children Locked Up | Thousands Held in Immigration Detention

Thailand holds thousands of migrant children in detention each year, causing them physical and emotional harm, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.  Thailand holds thousands of migrant children in detention each year, causing them physical and emotional harm, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today....

Migrant Workers: Drafting ASEAN Framework

ASEAN committee on migrant workers held 13th meeting for drafting asean framework instrument for protection and promotion of migrant workers' rights took place in Nay Pyi Taw ASEAN committee on migrant workers held 13th meeting for drafting asean framework instrument for protection and promotion of migrant workers' rights took place...

Drafting committee for ASEAN Charter for protection and promotion of migrant workers’ rights meets

Nay Pyi Taw, 2 Sept The 13th  meeting  of  the drafting  committee  for ASEAN Charter for protection and promotion of the rights  of  migrant  workers kicked off in Nay Pyi Taw on  Monday,  attended  by Union Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security  U  Aye  Myint  and deputy ministers, representatives...

Group Says Rights of Migrant Children Violated in Thai Detention

Bhavani was 8 when Thai police raided the apartment her family was hiding in. The Sri Lankan girl and her family spent the next two years locked in a crowded cell that reeked of cigarette smoke and waste. By Chris Blake, Bloomberg News, Bloomberg BANGKOK — Bhavani was 8 when Thai...