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Tag: Migrant Rights

Can we trust the Maungdaw probe?

When the Du Chee Yar Tan Investigation Commission presented its final report last week into the alleged killings in Maungdaw township, the group’s leader appeared genuinely offended at having to answer probing questions from the media on the investigation. “I’m not biased, I’m not incompetent,” U Tha Hla Shwe...

Humanitarian alarm in Myanmar

9 April 2014 - The alarm bell has gone off in Myanmar. The human rights situation in the Rakhine State is deteriorating even further since the beginning of hostilities in 2012. After recent attacks on UN and NGO sites in Sittwe, the capital of the Rakine state, aid workers...

Special Report: Flaws hinder Thailand’s human-trafficking crackdown

PHUKET: After a two-hour trek through swamp and jungle, Police Major General Thatchai Pitaneelaboot halts in a trash-strewn clearing near Thailand's remote border with Malaysia. "This is it," he says, surveying the remains of a deserted camp on a hillside pressed flat by the weight of human bodies. Just weeks before,...

Bogor’s ‘zero-immigrant policy’ has no legal ground: HRW

The Bogor authorities’ plan to apply a zero-immigrant policy in the mountainous resort region of Puncak, a popular destination for asylum seekers and refugees, has no solid legal base, a researcher at New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said. “On what law are they basing the eviction on? Indonesia does...

Singapore needs to address its treatment of migrant workers

Faced with low wages and poor working conditions, Singapore's migrant workers are beginning to get restless. Last year, a fierce riot broke out in the suburb of Little India, after an Indian worker died in a road accident. The riot was as violent as it was rare (the last...


ISTANBUL — As Human Rights Watch has repeatedly condemned Singaporean authorities for human rights violations and for the government's tight control over the public, the Singaporean government is taking a critical step to address the issue. After a rare riot in the congested Little India district last year, the...

Don’t send refugees to Cambodia, human rights groups warn

Activists say existing refugees are already facing poverty and mistreatment, and Cambodia’s record on corruption and human rights mean it’s not a suitable place to send more of them. "Corruption is pretty widespread, it’s one of the worst in the world," Ou Virak from the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights...

Major parties’ action on refugees goes from bad to worse

The Abbott government's proposed deal to dump refugees in Cambodia is disturbing news, and anyone concerned with human rights of those fleeing persecution should be very concerned. Indeed, the proposal will put them in serious danger, given a history of whippings, caning and electric shock torture in Cambodia, as will...

Human rights groups call for US sanctions against Thailand

Thailand should be liable to potential US sanctions for failing to crack down on trafficking in migrant workers, a group of human rights and labor organizations has said, reported Reuters. In a letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry, 19 organizations, including Human Rights Watch and the American Federation...

How Thailand is contributing to the misery of Burma’s persecuted Rohingya

FOR SOME time now, tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing persecution and economic deprivation in Burma, also known as Myanmar, by boat. While some go off to work and send money home, others have staked all on a permanent exodus, setting sail in search of better...