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Home Tags Migrant Rights

Tag: Migrant Rights

Thai Government ‘Lacks Interest’ in Solving Burma Migrant Labor Abuse

Allegations of serious violations of labor and human rights have been made against four factories in Thailand that employ many thousands of Burmese. One of the firms is involved in the manufacture of famous international fruit juice brands. The allegations, made by the Helsinki-based corporate responsibility advocacy group Finnwatch, involve...

Indian facing deportation says will not leave Thailand

BANGKOK: A leading Indian businessman, facing deportation from Thailand for participating in anti-government rallies defying the state of emergency, on Sunday said he would not leave the country despite the action taken against him. Satish Sehgal, former chairman of the India-Thai business forum, denied that he was taking refuge inside...

Human rights group slams senators’ tolerance for Duterte’s threat to kill smugglers

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — The international watchdog Human Rights Watch (HRW) has expressed concern over the senators’ seeming support for Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte’s threats against a smuggling suspect during the Senate committee hearing on smuggling early this week, saying it will encourage impunity. “Duterte’s threat was appalling. But...

Rights group: Thailand detains Syrian asylum seekers, denies access

The Thai government has been holding six asylum seekers from Syria in Phuket for nearly a month and is refusing access to UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency) representatives, according to a Human Rights Watch official. Phil Roberston, deputy director of HRW’s Asia division, said the asylum seekers were en route...

Indonesia: Exploited domestic workers urgently need legal protection

Millions of domestic workers in Indonesia are at risk of economic exploitation and routine abuse while living in legal limbo without protection, Amnesty International said as the country marks National Domestic Workers Day on 15 February.  The organization called on parliament to urgently pass a domestic workers law before its...

No proof of alleged human rights violations vs OFWs in Malaysia so far – President Aquino

MANILA -- President Benigno S Aquino III on Wednesday said the government has no verification if reports of alleged human rights violations against Filipino workers in Malaysia were at all true. “I have not seen any proof of alleged human rights violations,” the President said in Filipino, during an ambush...

Not Only Vietnamese Threatened by Racism, Rights Worker Says

WASHINGTON DC — The beating death of a Vietnamese-Cambodian earlier this month was the first incident in several years that some are calling a hate crime. Leaders of the Vietnamese community in Cambodia, as well as the Vietnamese Embassy, say they want the Cambodian authorities to pay more attention to...

Rights group: Thai fishing sector abuses migrants

BANGKOK — An environmental and human rights group charged Tuesday that Thailand is not adequately addressing severe abuse against Myanmar migrant workers in the Thai fishing industry. The British-based Environmental Justice Foundation said in its report that the Thai government has failed to act strongly against human trafficking and that...

The plight of Myanmar’s Rohingya

Myanmar, the country formerly known as Burma, has made substantial progress in the last few years, moving from military rule toward democracy, releasing political prisoners and freeing from house arrest Nobel Prize-winning democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi. However, the government has relentlessly continued its appalling treatment of the...

Malaysia expels more Filipinos from Sabah

TAWI-TAWI (Mindanao Examiner / Mar. 12, 2014) – More than 120 Filipinos have been deported from Malaysia and arrived by boat in the southern Philippine province of Tawi-Tawi, officials said Wednesday. Officials said the Filipinos who were mostly illegal migrants and workers, had been arrested in Sabah for violating immigration...