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Home Tags Freedom from Torture

Tag: Freedom from Torture

ASIA: Asian parliamentarians demand end to torture & corruption

“The widespread torture and ill-treatment that prevails in most of the Asian countries is a direct result of the political system and the legal system. Eradication of torture cannot be done merely by education of the police, the military and other security forces who usually engage in committing acts...

Vietnam – Human rights defender Mr Dang Xuan Dieu severely mistreated in prison

On 7 October 2014, the former cell mate of imprisoned Vietnamese human rights defender Mr Dang Xuan Dieu reported the severe, inhuman treatment of Dang Xuan Dieu who has been held in isolation and unable to communicate with anyone outside of the prison since April 2014   Posted 2014/10/15 On 7 October...

Hmong Man Beaten Unconscious by 10 ‘Cops’

Witnesses are being urged to come forward following a vicious assault on a Hmong man by thugs claiming to be police officers. Oct 15, 2014 Police say they are investigating, and if any officers were involved in the incident they will be punished. Victim Wasan Saeyang, 18, works as a gardener at...

NHRC to investigate torture claim

The National Human Rights Commission will on Monday summon authorities involved in the investigation of two murdered British tourists after a pair of Myanmar suspects said they were tortured into confessing Published: 21/10/2014 at 06:27 AM Newspaper section: News The National Human Rights Commission will on Monday summon authorities involved in the...

Manila’s child care centre accused of torture and violence

Homeless children are being subjected to torture and violence at a child care centre in Manila operated by the government’s social welfare department, an international rights commission said.   By Barbara Mae Dacanay, Correspondent Published: 18:06 October 22, 2014 Gulf News Manila Homeless children are being subjected to torture and violence at a child care...

Military charged with International Humanitarian Law violations in Abra killings

Families of the “Lacub martyrs” went to Manila to redress their grievance against the “war crimes” committed by the military in its operations in Abra in September October 25, 2014 By DEE AYROSO MANILA — Families of the civilians and rebels slain in Lacub, Abra filed on Oct. 24 complaints...

SUHAKAM calls for prison reforms in Malaysia — The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) wishes to refer to Mr P. Uthayakumar’s revelations of his imprisonment in Kajang Prison, and to state that, following a memorandum received from Persatuan Penasihat Pengguna-Pengguna Malaysia on 5 August 2013, concerning the alleged mistreatment of Mr. P. Uthayakumar in the Kajang...

Juvenile detention rate alarming: org

In spite of international laws and Cambodia’s own legal code, pre-trial detention is becoming more prevalent among child offenders than adults, according to data compiled by a trial monitoring project. Tue, 28 October 2014 | Laignee Barron In spite of international laws and Cambodia’s own legal code, pre-trial detention is becoming...

Burma asks Thailand to reopen investigation into Britons’ murder

Two Burmese suspects in murder of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller say they were tortured into confessing   Matthew Weaver The Guardian, Wednesday 5 November 2014 10.13 GMT Burma has formally asked Thailand to reopen the investigation into the murder of two British tourists over claims that the Burmese suspects confessed to the...

Burmese murder accused ask British backpackers’ families for help

Two Burmese men detained in Thailand for allegedly killing the British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller have told the Guardian they are innocent and have appealed to the victims’ families and the UK government to help them clear their names Peter Walker in Koh Samui The Guardian, Thursday 20 November...