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Tag: Fair Trial Rights

Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim sentenced to five years in prison

 “The Federal Court’s verdict is the disgraceful conclusion of a relentless judicial campaign against Anwar Ibrahim. Malaysia’s judiciary failed to demonstrate its independence from the executive branch in a trial that had clear political motivations,” said FIDH President Karim Lahidji. 10 February 2015 Paris, Kuala Lumpur, 10 February 2015: Today’s conviction...

Federal Court judgment on Anwar Ibrahim’s ‘sodomy II’ appeal a blow to human rights in Malaysia

The ICJ today expressed deep concern over the ruling of the Federal Court upholding the conviction on “sodomy charges” of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim by the Court of Appeal under the colonial-era Section 377B of the Penal Code. February 10, 2015 The ICJ today expressed deep concern over the ruling of...

Purisima, Napeñas face suit over deaths of 44 SAF men

A self-styled human rights lawyer has filed at the Office of the Ombudsman a complaint seeking to hold liable resigned Philippine National Police Director General Alan Purisima and relieved Special Action Force commander Getulio Napeñas for the deaths of the 44 SAF commandos in a mission to get an...

Malaysia: Anwar’s Conviction Sets Back Rights

Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government has persisted in its politically motivated prosecution of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim at the expense of democratic freedoms and the rights to non-discrimination and privacy for all Malaysians. Allowing this travesty of justice to stand will further undermine respect for rights and democracy in...

THAILAND: ‘A Wolf’s Bride’ verdict to be delivered at the Bangkok Criminal Court at 13:30 on 23 February

February 22, 2015 A Press Release from Thai Lawyers for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) On Monday, 23 February 2015, at 13:30 hours, the Criminal Court is going to deliver a verdict on the Black Case no. 3528/2557 filed by the public prosecutor against Mr. Patiwat...

The new lawyer for an integrated Asean

LAST WEEK, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Law Association’s General Assembly had ASEAN integration as a main focus of the discussions. At the event, Senate President Franklin Drilon threw out the following query: “As the integration calls for a free exchange of resources, we must ask ourselves:...

Lao Migrants To Be Witnesses in Thai Human Trafficking Case

Thirteen migrant Lao workers rescued last week by Thai police and military officers from a pig farm outside Bangkok where they were kept in slave-like conditions will be witnesses in a human trafficking case against their employer, a police official involved in the case said. RFA | Friday 28th August,...

Special Report: Thai junta hits royal critics with record jail time

Just minutes after being locked up for 30 years for insulting Thailand’s monarchy, Pongsak Sriboonpeng described what he thought was the cause of his capture: a poorly chosen Facebook friend.  BANGKOK | By Aubrey Belford Just minutes after being locked up for 30 years for insulting Thailand’s monarchy, Pongsak Sriboonpeng described...

Family of Burlington teacher held in Indonesia hopes ruling in Singapore will help man’s case

The family of a Canadian teacher imprisoned in Indonesia on much criticized child-abuse convictions is hoping a related ruling from a court in the neighbouring country of Singapore will help his case. Diana Mehta, The Canadian Press Published Wednesday, August 5, 2015 11:00PM EDT The family of a Canadian teacher imprisoned in...

British backpacker murder trial in Thailand stalls over key DNA evidence

A Thai court hearing the case of two Burmese men accused of murdering two British backpackers stalled on the second day of a three-month trial after a police officer failed to present what the defence says is key DNA evidence. Critical forensic evidence not available to court on second day...