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Tag: Environment

Endangered: Environmental Activists in Indonesia

The Indonesia Environmental Association (Wahli) is seeking protection under the law for the human rights for activists working to protect the Nation’s environment. Wahli Calls for Protection of Environmental Activists in Indonesia (1/4/2015) The Indonesia Environmental Association (Wahli) is seeking protection under the law for the human rights for activists working to...

PR – Human Rights Concerns Over Hydropower Development in Cambodia Brought to the UN

International and Cambodian groups today issued a complaint to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia raising concerns over human rights violations resulting from the development of two hydropower dam projects in Cambodia. Tuesday, January 13, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Phnom Penh, Cambodia: International and Cambodian...

Dam concerns sent to Subedi

Special Rapporteur Surya Subedi has been called on to investigate and seek justice for human rights violations caused by the development of two large-scale hydropower dams in Cambodia. Wed, 14 January 2015 | Daniel Pye Special Rapporteur Surya Subedi has been called on to investigate and seek justice for human rights...

Rethink your mega dams plan, Dr M suggests to Sarawak government

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today suggested Sarawak rethink its highly controversial policy of building mega dams to harness electricity by replacing them with series of smaller dams like in Europe. BY DESMOND DAVIDSON Published: 27 January 2015 5:22 PM Dr Mahathir, who was in Kuching attending the International Energy...

Criticism of Indonesia’s Freeport mining plans

Indonesia's human rights commission has criticised the government's approval of a plan to build a smelter in East Java, saying it should be built in Papua, to promote development. Updated at 1:48 pm today The National Commission on Human Rights, or Komnas HAM, has told the Jakarta Post that the miner,...

Spread of palm oil production threatens livelihoods in Indonesia: report

An environmental NGO on Wednesday said that Indonesia’s growing palm oil industry poses significant threats to livelihoods and the environment in rural provinces. Environmental group calls for greater regulation of commercial plantations Ryan Dagur, Jakarta | Indonesia | January 28, 2015 An environmental NGO on Wednesday said that Indonesia’s growing palm oil...

Jakarta and KL haze deal angers Asean partners

Malaysia and Indonesia have struck a deal to withhold critical information on forest fires in Sumatra which cause the annual haze in the region. BY ELIZABETH ZACHARIAH Published: 13 September 2013 6:08 PM | Updated: 13 September 2013 8:36 PM Southeast Asian counterparts Singapore, Thailand and Brunei, countries also affected by the...

Why ASEAN Economic Community Can’t Ignore the Environment

It is with tentative optimism that European bystanders watch the birth of the Association of South East Asian Nation’s (ASEAN) newest endeavor: an EU-style common market, slated to begin operations by December 31, 2015. Without strong standards and an oversight mechanism, ASEAN risks sending its already embattled ecosystem off a...

With haze, Indonesia denies residents’ basic rights

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) said that the uncontrollable spread of smog from forest fires in Sumatra could be categorized as a human rights violation by the state because the government allows it to happen every year. Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas...

Haze shrouds ASEAN forum on transnational crime

Even though the meeting had nothing to do with the haze, ASEAN ministers concurred it is a regional problem that could sour relations among member countries. By Melissa Goh, Malaysia Bureau Chief, Channel NewsAsia POSTED: 29 Sep 2015 21:48 UPDATED: 29 Sep 2015 23:05 KUALA LUMPUR: For weeks, choking haze from neighbouring...