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Tag: Environment

Activists condemn removal of Baram-dam blockade

Human rights organisations are condemning authorities for dismantling a barricade mounted by anti-dam activists near Long Kesseh in Sarawak. Published: 23 October 2014 Calling it an act of intimidation, they are appealing to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to denounce the action. The non-governmental organisations said...

B.C. Ought to Consider Petronas’ Human Rights Record Before Bowing to Malaysian Company’s LNG Demands

It should come as no surprise that Petronas expects B.C. to cave in to its demands to expedite the process of approving its Pacific NorthWest LNG terminal and natural gas pipeline, lowering taxes and weakening environmental regulations in the process. Thu, 2014-10-23 12:00  Peter Wood It should come as no surprise...

Human rights groups denounce bid to expel indigenous from Baram Dam site

Malaysian and international human rights organisations have come together to publicly condemn the actions taken by authorities and logging company representatives to intimidate indigenous peoples in Sarawak at the proposed site of the Baram Dam. Published on: Saturday, October 25, 2014 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian and international human rights organisations have come...

Dawei residents’ losses are a problem for Myanmar, not Thailand

The Thai Human Rights Commission claims the Italian-Thai Development Company and the Thai authorities have washed their hands over any loss suffered by local Dawei people caused by the Dawei Special Economic Zone project claiming responsibility now lies with the Myanmar government, according to an NGO spokesperson. 27 October 2014...

Mekong NGOs file complaint against Mega First to Malaysia’s human rights body

Environmental groups are taking on Asian firms, filing complaints from the Malaysia's human rights body to Thailand's courts as they seek action on the lack of transparency on hydropower projects along the Mekong River. By Medilyn Manibo Friday 7 November 2014 A coalition of environmental non-profit organisations from Cambodia, Thailand and...

Indonesia Prioritizes Companies, not Forests

In Indonesia,  30 percent of the country has been handed over by the government to some type of extractive industry. Often permits are granted without the knowledge or approval of local communities, raising “grave” human rights concerns. AMAN has recorded 153 land tenure conflicts in the last year, none...

RSPO promises to defeat palm oil-linked deforestation

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil opened its 12th annual conference with a strong commitment to preventing deforestation by stronger enforcement among its members and a call for greater collaboration among industry members. Vaidehi Shah reports from Kuala Lumpur. By Vaidehi Shah Friday 21 November 2014 The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm...

Forest groups want climate schemes that violate rights to be suspended

Indigenous people warn during Lima climate talks that they are being ignored over exploitation of lands and are critical of pledges to stop deforestation John Vidal Monday 8 December 2014 14.13 GMT Human rights are being systematically violated in the world’s tropical forests as conservationists, big business and governments ignore indigenous people...

Thailand: Clean Up Klity Creek

The Thai government has failed to clean up toxic lead in a stream in western Thailand, threatening hundreds of families with serious and irreversible health problems, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Confront Toxic Legacy Before Reopening Lead Mines December 15, 2014    Klity Creek. Kanchanaburi, Thailand. December 8,...

Dam Projects Risk Reigniting Burma’s Civil War

Burma’s government calls them signposts of modernity: a string of huge dam projects along the mighty Salween River, one of Asia’s last untamed waterways, needed to meet economic goals and energy demands as the country opens its doors to the outside world.  By DENNIS D. GRAY / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|...