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Tag: Economic and Social Rights

Philippines Government Criticized For ‘Whitewashing’ Poverty During Pope’s Visit

The Philippines government has come under fire after a senior official revealed on Friday that nearly 500 beggars and homeless people were taken off the streets in Manila during Pope Francis’ recent visit, according to media reports. A record six million people had turned up on the city's streets...

Fashion Bloggers Work In Cambodian Sweatshop, Learn ‘We’re Rich Because They’re Poor’

When three sprightly fashion bloggers from Norway agreed to star in a month-long reality show in Cambodia, they were probably expecting more "Project Runway," and less human rights violations in a series produced by their country’s largest newspaper, Aftenposten. The Huffington Post  |  By Eleanor Goldberg Posted: 01/28/2015 9:07 am EST...

Chronic poverty is fueling child labor in the Philippines

Geraldine Aboy, 14, lives in a makeshift hut of grass and plastic sheeting in the middle of a sugarcane plantation. She wakes at four o'clock in the morning to cook whatever available food there is and prepare for the trek to nearby fields. New report cites landlessness and ineffective govt...

Opportunities and fears as Asean prepares for single market

While 10-member bloc of south-east Asian nations anticipate investment riches, observers say communities may be sacrificed for big business Kate Hodal | Tuesday 3 February 2015 07.00 GMT It has been billed as the world’s greatest emerging economy: a $2.4tn (£1.5tn) south-east Asian marketplace home to 620 million people poised to...

Why Thailand’s unemployment rate is ridiculously low

Low unemployment (below 1% since 2011) due to low birth rate, lack of social insurance & informal sector with 64% of workforce (street vendors, motorbike taxis, self-employed). Published: 4/02/2015 at 02:43 PM 5 factors push Thailand's unemployment rate ridiculously low 'In formal' labour, birth rate, lack of insurance all figure into the...

Economic sanctions is an act of war: Dr M

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today called for economic sanctions to be seen as acts of war, saying that trade or economic embargoes were often used by the world’s major powers to bully smaller countries. By Rozanna Latiff - 9 February 2015 @ 3:43 PM BANGI: Former prime minister...

UN rights report points to ‘increasing regularity’ of attacks on girls seeking education

A new United Nations human rights report seeking to analyse the problem of attacks against girls trying to access education found that schools in at least 70 different countries were attacked in the five years between 2009 and 2014, with many attacks specifically targeting girls, parents and teachers advocating...

Rakhine residents rally against ‘ambiguous statement’ of govt on white cards

Residents in 17 townships in Rakhine State staged a protest on February 15 against what they termed the 'ambiguous statement' by the government on temporary citizen identity cards. 16 February 2015 | Written by Hein Ko Soe | Published in Myanmar Residents in 17 townships in Rakhine State staged a protest...

Checking in on ASEAN and the AEC

Apressing policy question facing Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) leaders at their summit in April 2015 and beyond is whether the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) can be sustained without more effective institutions. This article explores the link between achieving the AEC agenda and institutional effectiveness. To remedy the...

Report shines light on health, human rights in E Burma

A recent report on health in eastern Burma highlights the relationship between human rights abuses and the health of the area’s population, while drawing comparisons with war-torn Somalia. By DVB | 23 February 2015 A recent report on health in eastern Burma highlights the relationship between human rights abuses and the...