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Tag: ASEAN Community

Myanmar’s ASEAN Chairmanship: Will It Lead To National Reconciliation? – Analysis

By RSIS January 21, 2014 Myanmar’s 2014 ASEAN Chairmanship will boost Naypyidaw’s courting of world opinion in favour of its reforms. However, Myanmar’s road to reform remains long and winding. ASEAN should nudge Naypyidaw towards greater national reconciliation. By Eliane Coates MYANMAR’S CHAIRMANSHIP of ASEAN, which begins this month, will become an open...

Asean chair grapples with domestic uncertainties

Myanmar made succinctly clear the Rohingya problem would not be raised in any Asean meeting during its chairmanship this year. U Ye Htut, the spokesperson of President Thein Sein, reiterated his country's position during a press conference on the eve of the first Asean informal ministerial meeting recently in...

ASEAN to be economic nucleus

DAVOS - ASEAN will first need to develop a sustainable economic structure resilient to outside turbulence, boosting their internal strength to be the nucleus of the regional integration and connectivity, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh told a World Economic Forum session in Davos yesterday. He said the dynamic growth...

ASEAN and EU Strengthen their Partnership and Cooperation

The 21st meeting of the ASEAN-EU Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) was held on 24 January 2014 in Jakarta. The Meeting confirmed the positive momentum of EU-ASEAN Dialogue Relations and looked forward to further strengthening the partnership and cooperation for mutual benefit. Since the adoption in April 2012 of the Bandar...

Journalists ‘crucial agents’ of ASEAN Community 2015

Southeast Asian journalists have been entrusted with the herculean task of helping ASEAN nations get better prepared ahead of the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, an international discussion was told. Speakers at the Confederation of ASEAN Journalists (CAJ) workshop in Palembang, South Sumatra, agreed that media...

SE Asia Legitimacy in Crisis

Thailand is not alone. Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia all face rising questions over future of democracy. If no one agrees to the rules, it’s hard to play the game. This is increasingly true in Southeast Asia’s various democratic or semi-democratic states, most acutely now in Thailand, but the dynamic is...

Review of ASEAN human rights mechanism begins

A review of a controversial ASEAN human rights commission got underway last week but activists say they remain sceptical that Myanmar can use it chairmanship in 2014 to strengthen the body. Regional officials gathered at ParkRoyal Hotel in Yangon from February 8-11 to review the terms of reference of the...

ASEAN human rights talks face major challenges

When the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) meets in Jakarta this week, its urgent priority must be improving how it communicates and engages with civil society in Southeast Asia and responds to human rights issues. ASEAN civil society, representing more than 500 million people from the region, has...

‘Myanmar’s success is ASEAN’s success’

This year is an instrumental turning year in deciding the success of ASEAN Community building process. The role of Myanmar as the ASEAN Chair in the delivery of key targets and priorities in 2014, and in the development of the ASEAN Community’s post-2015 vision, is therefore very significant. The chairmanship...

Singapore: Is the haze clearing for extra-territorial accountability?

Singapore’s Transboundary Haze and Pollution Bill that’s presently making the rounds for public consultation is one potentially game-changing initiative in the area of business and human rights in Southeast Asia. The bill contains two elements that up to now have been mere aspirations among those seeking greater accountability for...