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Tag: ASEAN Community

Asean is the next world factory

Most people see Thailand through the prism of pristine beaches and a laid-back lifestyle. Few, however, know it is Southeast Asia’s biggest automobile manufacturing hub and a leading production center for the global electronics and electrical parts industry. Karl Wilson, China Daily/Asia News Network | Business | Sat, September 26...

Lack of Asean standard will limit movement of labour in AEC

The AEC is expected to feature freer movement of capital, investment, services and skilled labour within this region of 600 million people. Tan Hui Yee | Thailand Correspondent Published | Oct 8, 2015, 5:00 am SGT A weathered Myanmar man hobbles by on the footpath dressed in a crisp shirt and longyi...

Asean must work together to tackle issue

THE annual haze has caused much misery to Malaysia. Schools in many states have had to be closed, universities have postponed classes due to the thickening haze which has reached unhealthy levels, while the tourism and service industry are also affected 6 October 2015 @ 11:02 AM THE annual haze has...

ASEAN sets road map for greater integration

Southeast Asian countries have charted the course for greater integration over the next 10 years with aims to be the primary force in shaping regional architecture and be more connected economically and socially, according to a draft document set to be adopted by the region’s leaders at a summit...

ASEAN’s lackluster leadership undermines Asian cohesion

As ASEAN becomes riven by intramural tensions, domestic political volatility, lackluster leadership and overshadowing great-power rivalry, its role as Asia's honest broker and institutional bridge for regional peace and stability is being compromised, raising the stakes for the upcoming trilateral summit between China, Japan and South Korea in Seoul. October...

ASEAN’s Big Year Offers Little to Celebrate

The launch of the AEC looks set to occur amidst a rather dreadful backdrop. By Luke Hunt October 29, 2015 A grand entrance by the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), when it launches in less than nine weeks, onto the world stage was supposed to herald the dawning of a prosperous new age...

What 1965 Means in Southeast Asia

The year 1965 is politically significant in several Southeast Asian states. By Mong Palatino October 30, 2015 The year 1965 is politically significant in several Southeast Asian countries: Singapore became an independent nation, Ferdinand Marcos was elected president of the Philippines, and an anti-communist purge killed at least half a million people...

East Timor belongs in ASEAN

The impending launch of the ASEAN Economic Community is being marked this week at a summit in Kuala 
Lumpur. It is a time to showcase ASEAN’s commitment to a region made prosperous through economic cooperation and integration. 19 Nov, 2015 Shane Rosenthal The impending launch of the ASEAN Economic Community is...

ASEAN nations sign deal for economic community

Group seeks freer movement of trade and capital in SE Asia and to create the world's seventh-largest economy. 22 Nov 2015 22:45 GMT | Politics, Asia Pacific, Malaysia, China Southeast Asian nations have established a formal community that attempts to create freer movement of trade and capital in an area of...

Transforming Asean into a community

The Asean Community, coming into effect on December 31 this year, is a worthy idea for regional leaders. For its 625 million people however, of different economic, ethnic and legal systems, there is much left to be done by Asean to encourage a natural sense of affinity among them. The...