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Tag: ASEAN Community

A human rights document for Asean

Two weeks back, the Asean Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights convened representatives of advocacy and cause-oriented groups in the Philippines and called on international law professors to talk about drawing up human rights instruments for Asean.   I was called upon as a professor of international law. By Fr. Ranhilio Aquino...

INSIGHTS into the WORLD / ASEAN integration widening policy gaps

The ASEAN Community will come into being at the end of the year, embodying the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ goal of regional integration. ASEAN is different from the European Union. Unlike the EU, which is a project to form a supranational polity, ASEAN is a regional entity for...

Waipa urges more awareness on gender equality in Asean region

Policy-makers must continue giving attention to gender equality issues, the Meeting of Asean Women Parliamentarians (Waipa), held in conjunction with the Asean Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (Aipa), was told yesterday. Posted on 8 September 2015 - 09:27am Last updated on 8 September 2015 - 10:59am KUALA LUMPUR: Policy-makers must continue giving attention to gender...

Is Jokowi Turning His Back on ASEAN?

Compared with his predecessor, the Indonesian president has a very different foreign approach. By Avery Poole September 07, 2015 Under President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Indonesia appears less oriented toward the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). While this may be true, the explanation is more nuanced than proposed by many regional analyses....

Study Asean in its villages, not in Internet cafes

At a time when globalisation has brought nations and regions closer together, and when scholars may have a role to play in bridging the gap between cultures and societies, it is ironic that many academic institutions the world over are facing difficulties when it comes to securing funding for...

As Common Market Nears, Interior Minister Calls for ASEAN Cooperation on Immigration

As border controls ease among ASEAN nations, Interior Minister Sar Kheng warned Tuesday the downside could be a freer flow of criminals and illegal immigrants. Khmer Times/Ven Rathavong Tuesday, 08 September 2015 PHNOM PENH (Khmer Times) – As border controls ease among ASEAN nations, Interior Minister Sar Kheng warned Tuesday the downside...

Jakarta and KL haze deal angers Asean partners

Malaysia and Indonesia have struck a deal to withhold critical information on forest fires in Sumatra which cause the annual haze in the region. BY ELIZABETH ZACHARIAH Published: 13 September 2013 6:08 PM | Updated: 13 September 2013 8:36 PM Southeast Asian counterparts Singapore, Thailand and Brunei, countries also affected by the...

Australia launches Australia-Asean Council

The Australia-Asean Council will shape Australia’s engagement with Southeast Asia and strengthen partnerships through stronger business, education, science, arts and cultural links. It will also work closely with the New Colombo Plan and Australia Alumni networks to facilitate ongoing links between individuals and organisations. Press Release Thursday 10 September 2015, 05:32PM Southeast...

Why ASEAN Economic Community Can’t Ignore the Environment

It is with tentative optimism that European bystanders watch the birth of the Association of South East Asian Nation’s (ASEAN) newest endeavor: an EU-style common market, slated to begin operations by December 31, 2015. Without strong standards and an oversight mechanism, ASEAN risks sending its already embattled ecosystem off a...

Commentary: Is Asean Losing Its Way?

The Association of Southeast Asia Nations has prided itself on its “Asean Way” – an informal and non-legalistic way of doing business, especially its culture of consultations and consensus that have resolved disputes peacefully. That way of doing may be fading among signs the group’s unity is seriously eroding....