Home Statements


Singapore: Think Centre condemns impending execution of Syed Suhail bin Syed Zin

17 September 2020   As dawn breaks on 18 September, Singaporean, Syed Suhail bin Syed Zin, will be executed by the State. His impending execution is a grim reminder that Singapore’s factory of death has never ceased. The execution is a tragic irony and a mockery of the slogan “leave no one...

Thailand: ANNI Open Letter concerning the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand’s (NHRCT) Statement on requesting all parties in demonstrations adhere to human rights principles and use peaceful means to resolve problems

To:  Chairperson What Tingsamitr Cc: Commissioners: Mrs. Chatsuda Chandeeying and Mrs. Prakairatana Thontiravong Commissioner ad interims: Mr. Somn Promaros, Miss Areewan Jatuthong, Mrs. Pirom Sipraset and Mr. Suwat Theparak Office of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand The Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary 5th December, B.E.2550 (2007) 120 Chaengwattana...

[Statement] Governments should put an end to enforced disappearances

(Jakarta, 29 August 2020) ‒ Asian Governments must investigate all cases of enforced disappearances and take genuine steps toward ending a practice perpetrated by state apparatus, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) said today in conjunction with the International Day of the Victim of Enforced Disappearance...

The Government of the Philippines must end the killings of human rights activists and defenders

(Bangkok, 19 August 2020) ‒ The Philippine government should immediately end the killings of activists and human rights defenders and ensure credible, transparent investigations and accountability for the lives which have been lost, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) said in a statement today. Human rights activist Zara Alvarez...

Think Centre’s concerns on distressed migrant workers during the pandemic

Think Centre expresses concern over the recent spate of incidents involving distressed migrant workers residing in purpose-built-dormitories. Migrant workers are undeniably one of the biggest groups affected by the COVID-19 since it broke out among the dormitories in early April. Early control measures involved the massive shifting of many workers...

ASEAN Must Ensure Protection for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Region

Bangkok, 20 June 2020: On the occasion of World Refugee Day 2020, and ahead of the 36th ASEAN Virtual Summit on 26 June, we, the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), and Progressive Voice (PV), call upon ASEAN leaders to...

Investigate systemic discrimination and violence against human rights defendersspeaking on Papua

  (Geneva, 18 June 2020) ‒ Systematic attacks targeting activists and groups vocal on human rights violations against Papuans smacks of growing authoritarianism in Indonesia, rights groups said today. In a joint statement, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and eight of its members in Indonesia condemn the...

Philippines: Conviction of Maria Ressa and Santos Jr. is a blatant attack against democracy

  (Bangkok, 15 June 2020) – The conviction of Rappler CEO Maria Ressa and former Rappler writer-researcher Reynaldo Santos Jr. over cyber libel charges today sends a chilling message that the Philippine people are now a target, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) said. Today, the Manila Regional...

Indonesia: Drop charges against seven Papuan political prisoners

  Indonesia: Drop charges against seven Papuan political prisoners In response to the upcoming trials to be held during the week of 14 June against seven Papuan activists and students being charged with treason for their involvement in anti-racism protests in August 2019, Shamini Darshni Kaliemuthu, FORUM-ASIA Executive Director said: The charges...

Singapore: End the judicial harassment of Jolovan Wham; repeal Public Order Act

(Bangkok/Singapore, 29 May 2020) – The summoning of activist Jolovan Wham by the Singaporean authorities for posting a picture on social media, including on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, points to an escalating repression of human rights defenders in the country. In a joint statement, the Asian Forum for Human Rights...