Civil Society Forum

The Role of International Human Rights Community in the Review of the ToR of AICHR: Towards an Effective and Independent ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism

Five years since its establishment, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) is yet to adequately act as a full-fledged regional human rights body. The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the AICHR provides a layout for the ASEAN human rights body. It also gives it a restricted protection...

2nd Global Advocacy Leadership in Asia Academy (GALA Academy)

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Asian Development Alliance (ADA)  and Asian Democracy Network (ADN) gladly announce the call for applications for the 2nd Glocal Advocacy Leadership in Asia Academy (GALA Academy) to be held in Bangkok, Thailand on 27 July- 2 August 2014. FORUM-ASIA will...

ACSC/APF2014 Interface Meeting

ACSC/APF Interface Meeting is a venue for representatives of Civil Society Organizations from across ASEAN to have a dialogue with government representatives from their respective countries. Interface dialogue can and have taken different forms during the past 10 years of ACSC/APF.