Civil Society Forum

Yangon Conference on Human Rights and Agribusiness in Southeast Asia

National Human Rights Commissions of ASEAN countries and concerned civil society organisations from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Lao PDR will congregate for a 3 day conference to assess progress made since the Bali Declaration of 2011 in securing human rights and resolving land conflicts in...

RightsCon Southeast Asia, Manila 2015

The RightsCon summit series is fast becoming the premiere event convened around the issue of an open internet. Our goal is to produce measurable outcomes by convening the most influential voices across stakeholder lines on topical and current issues on the protection and future of the internet. RightsCon is the...

The 7th Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights “Acceleration of the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015: Making Human Rights Count”

The Regional Consultation on ASEAN and Human Rights is an ASEAN civil society initiative led by the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and SAPA Task Force on ASEAN and Human Rights (TFAHR). The Regional Consultation serves as a platform for strengthening engagement with the ASEAN Human...

The Third International Conference on Human Rights and Peace & Conflict in Southeast Asia

SEAHRN’s Third International Conference on Human Rights and Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia is the predominant venue for new research on the promotion and protection of human rights and peace in the Southeast Asian region. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Organized by the Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) and the...

Open Letter to the 47 th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting on the Review of the Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

The letter open letter is submitted to the 47th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting and Endorsed by 58 Organizations/Networks

Thai Civil Society Network Submission to AICHR on the Review of AICHR ToR (by Article))

This submission is the detailed submission (by article) from the Thai civil society in the review of the terms of reference of the AICHR. This submission is the detailed submission (by article) from the Thai civil society in the review of the terms of reference of the AICHR.

Thai Civil Society Network General Submission to AICHR on the Review of AICHR ToR

This submission is the contribution from the Thai civil society in the review of the terms of reference of the AICHR. This submission is the contribution from the Thai civil society in the review of the terms of reference of the AICHR.