Civil Society Forum

Victims of development aggression: Indigenous Peoples in ASEAN

Although all states in the ASEAN voted for the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in 2007, most of them still refuse to respect and implement the indigenous peoples’ collective rights, especially to their lands, territories and resources and to self-determination. Several...

How to Defend the Defenders? A Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Burma and Appropriate Protection Mechanisms

The immediate objective of the report is to provide a comprehensive picture of the current situation of Human Rights Defenders (“HRDs”) in Burma, including the threats and risks that they face. The report also provides concrete, practical, research-based, solution-oriented policy recommendations for HRDs, the Burma authorities, and any other...

Jakarta Recommendations on Freedom of Expression in the Context of Religion [FORUM – ASIA]

The Jakarta Recommendations are the outcome of discussions at a regional consultation on “Expression, Opinion and  Religious Freedoms in Asia”, held in Jakarta, Indonesia  on  3 - 5  June 2015.  Over  140  people,  comprised  of  experts, including  the  UN  Special  Rapporteur  on  the  promotion  and  protection  of  the  right ...

Faith Seeking Justice: Defending Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples of Mindanao

Ecumenical sharing on the precarious situation of the indigenous peoples of Mindanao, Philippines (Ecumenical sharing on the precarious situation of the indigenous peoples of Mindanao, Philippines) Wednesday, 22 July 2015, 6:00 PM San Damiano hall of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi 127 W. 31st Street, New York, NY   Speakers: Sr. Ma. Famita N....

Financial Sustainability Training – A Model for Nonprofit Organizations [Center for Resource & System Management]

Center for Resource & System Management (CRSM) is an expert Management Consultant, Training & Research Company. Consisting of a pool of Management Consultants and Trainers having an experience of up to 20 years in their respective core competency areas, CRSM undertakes management consultancy, training and research projects and provides...

Defending in Numbers: Mounting Echoes of Muffled Dissent (2013 – 2014)

Between 2013 and 2014, FORUM-ASIA documented 324 cases of violations and abuses against HRDs as well as new instances of restrictive legislation and policies affecting civil society in Asia. The documented violations and abuses range from intimidation, threats, physical assault, arbitrary arrest and detention, criminalisation, judicial harassment, disappearances, death...

1st Regional Congress on the Death Penalty

French association Together against the death penalty (ECPM) in collaboration with ADPAN (Anti-Death Penalty Asian Network), SUHAKAM (Human Rights Commission of Malaysia) and Bar Council Malaysia will be organising the First Regional Congress on the Death Penalty which will take place as follows: French association Together against the death penalty...

Foundational Course on Children’s Rights [Save the Children]

The Foundational Course on Children’s Rights is an introduction to the international framework on children’s rights and how it is implemented and applied in the ASEAN Region. Participants will benefit from an overview of international laws and regional mechanisms on children, including the evolution of such laws and updates...

“We Will Not Be Silenced” – Bloggers and the Human Rights Movement in Vietnam

In this briefing paper, Civil Rights Defenders highlights the rapid spread of information and communications technology (ICT) in Vietnam, its transformative and empowering impact on human rights activism and access to information, and the government’s repressive response to Internet based activism. In this briefing paper, Civil Rights Defenders highlights the...

Expression, Opinion and Religious Freedoms in Asia

This Asia regional consultation is an attempt to bring together human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and other stakeholders from all over Asia to discuss, debate, understand and identify solutions for this urgent human rights challenge, particularly on the intersection between freedoms of expression and religion. This Asia regional consultation is...