ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

5th Meeting of the Drafting Group of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

The Drafting Group reportedly discussed the sections of the Declaration on Economic, Social Rights, Cultural Rights , The Rights of Women, Children's Rights and Others Group , and The Cooperation in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights . There...

43rd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM)

The AMM approved AICHR s work plan and budget for 2010-2011. The AMM requested AICHR prepare an indicative budget for the 2010-2015 budget. The AMM stressed the importance of aligning ACWC and other ASEAN Sectoral Bodies' work with that of AICHR.

10th Regular Meeting of AICHR and 10th Meeting on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR discussed among other things: the AICHR Priority Programmes/Activities for 2013, including the AICHR budget, as well as the proposed Guidelines for AICHR s Engagement with civil society groups. AICHR finalized the content of their regional website and booklet, which will be launched in conjunction with their third anniversary...

Regional Seminar on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

The Seminar was divided into four sessions covering the following topics: (a) Experiences from Other Regional Human Rights Mechanisms on the Development of Human Rights Declarations/Conventions, particularly in the Inter American and African Systems; (b) Human Rights and Human Responsibilities; (c) Notions of Collective Rights and Individual Rights; and...

AICHR Regional Consultation with Civil Society Organizations and 9th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR discussed and considered the inputs received from CSOs to further refine the draft AHRD. AICHR also met with Regional Experts from Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand to seek their views and inputs on the AHRD. AICHR will submit an improved draft AHRD for the consideration of the Informal ASEAN...

7th Regular Meeting of AICHR

AICHR met with ACWC Representatives to discuss alignment of the two bodies' work. It also met with the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) East Asia and Pacific Regional Office to discuss potential collaboration, and met the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Navanethem Pillay. On 28 November...

8th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR concluded the formulation of the AICHR Priority Programmes/Activities for 2013 with its indicative annual budget and the concept papers as well as budget on the two trainings that will be implemented by the Representative of Thailand.AICHR discussed the inputs from the ASEAN Sectoral Bodies for the further improvement...

4th Meeting of the Drafting Group of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

The Drafting Group reportedly discussed the Declaration's 'General Provisions' section, the list of Civil and Political Rights , the Rights and Responsibilities section. The Drafting Group also requested a an extension from AICHR in order to finish the drafting process.

12th AICHR Regular Meeting

AICHR s Finalized the Annual Report for 2013 and their Priority Programmes/Activities for 2014 for submission to the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in June 2013

AICHR National-level Consultation with Civil Society Organizations

The Indonesia Representative to AICHR shared the major points of the AHRD draft with Indonesian CSOs. The latest copy of the Draft Declaration was not made available to CSOs. The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs discussed the selection process for the Indonesia representative to AICHR for the period 2012-2015.