ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

Special Meeting of AICHR

AICHR finalised the Priority Programmes/Activities for 2014 and discussed organisational support for the work of AICHR and the establishment of a dedicated AICHR unit within the ASEAN Secretariat.

6th Meeting of AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

AICHR continued discussions on the draft Declaration. It debated the notion of national and regional particularities , the limitation on rights, balancing rights with duties and responsibilities, and the protection of vulnerable and marginalized groups. AICHR also prepared for the first Regional Consultation with civil society organizations in...

2nd Meeting of the Drafting Group of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration

The Drafting Group agreed upon some of paragraphs in the Declaration Preamble.

11th AICHR Regular Meeting

AICHR discussed progress of implementation of AICHR s priority programmes and activities, including the thematic studies in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Rights, and Migration and Human Rights. AICHR also discussed the implementation of the recently adopted ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD).

Coordination Meeting on CSR Thematic Study

AICHR determined the Thematic Study on Corporate Social Responsibility's framework, methodology and timeframe. National focal points are to submit their national study to Study Team Member (STM) on July 20, 2012. This will be a consolidated into a comprehensive report taking into account inputs from all member states.

AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society

The Thai Representative to the AICHR presented on AICHR's work to date.

Interface Meeting with ASEAN Foreign Ministers at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the 20th ASEAN Summit

The meeting discussed the progress on the drafting of the AHRD

1st AICHR Regional Consultation with ASEAN Sectorial Bodies

AICHR met with ASEAN sectorial bodies to receive input on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration. AICHR did not share a copy of the draft Declaration prior to or during the consultation. Some sectorial bodies stated that this kind of consultation is a good practice and should continued in...

AICHR National-Level Consultation with Civil Society

The Indonesian Representative to the AICHR presented on the documents adopted by AICHR, its interaction with external parties - including its dialogue with the Inter-America Human Rights Institutions - the process of drafting AHRD, AICHR's thematic studies on Corporate Social Responsibility & Human Rights and Migration, its relation...

AICHR Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Workshop on CSR and Human Rights

The workshop aimed to provide participants with conceptual understanding and practical experiences on link between business and human rights and relevant international standards and frameworks; knowledge of different approaches to address CSR issues in ASEAN and Australia including mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement, and providing access to remedies; and...