Where is the justice in dealing with extremists?

In 2007 more than 50,000 Indian Malaysians gathered in Kuala Lumpur against Umno’s atrocities and discrimination. That was the golden year for the Hindraf movement. The demonstration was held on Nov 25, 2007. The demo showcased the anger of Indians in Malaysia about basic human rights violations of the Umno-led government.
The result of the demonstration led to five Hindraf leaders being arrested under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) and one leader went into self-exile in Britain. One hundred and thirty six people were arrested and beaten up by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), many of whom were charged and hefty bail imposed on them by the courts.
The home minister, the inspector-general of police (IGP) and the attorney-general (AG) were working very hard to stop the uprising of Indian Malaysians. So many plans were implemented allegedly to suppress Indians from asking for their rights.
Then-law minister Mohamed Nazri Aziz, then-IGP Musa Hassan, attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, then-PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and then-home minister Syed Hamid Albar banned the human rights group on Dec 8, 2007 as an extremist group which allegedly had links with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) of Sri Lanka and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) of India.
All this was done under the plan of Umno’s intelligence to sideline the rights groups which were championing Indians in Malaysia.
In 2013 the party which sidelined the Hindraf rights group shook hands with the Hindraf leader to get cheap Indian votes. All those incidents are not forgotten by Indian Malaysians.
Recently the Free Malaysia Today news portal reported that five young Malay Muslims are fighting in the Syrian war. It was shocking news for all peace-loving Malaysians.
On the one hand, the Umno government is allegedly suppressing other races from getting their equal rights, but on the other hand Umno themselves are encouraging extremists like Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma), Perkasa, Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Dakwah Islamiah (Pekida) and the allegedly underworld-linked Tiga Line which operate legally in Malaysia. Where is the justice in dealing with extremists?
The growing terrorism inside Malaysia should be highlighted by the IGP, AG and home minister. It is a serious issue. Nothing to hide or pamper one race. If those who support LTTE can be considered as extremists or terrorists, what about those who join hands with terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and propagating terrorism silently? What is the future of those linked with terrorist groups and extremists in Malaysia?
We Malaysians are eager to know the truth from the Umno government. Umno must understand that their 57 years of ruling have made people extremists and broken up the social harmony between Malaysians.
Finally the IGP, AG and home minister should take stern action against those extremists and terrorists who are growing in Malaysia. We would like to see a peaceful Malaysia in another 30 years time. This is our strong opinion.
SOURCE www.malaysiakini.com