Suu Kyi receives Freedom of the City of London award

State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi received the Freedom of the City of London, awarded by the London Mayor and the City Council, at the Guildhall Building in London on Monday.

Submitted by Eleven on Wed, 05/10/2017 – 00:32
Kyaw Zin Win

State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi received the Freedom of the City of London, awarded by the London Mayor and the City Council, at the Guildhall Building in London on Monday.

The award has been given by since the 13th century. It is an honour bestowed by a municipality upon a valued member of the community, or upon a visiting celebrity or dignitary.

Famous winners of the award include world leaders such asDesmond Tu Tu and Lee Kuan Yew, US presidents, UK prime ministers, artists and writers.

Suu Kyi also received Freedom of the City of Newcastle in northern England and Freedom of the City of Dublin in Ireland.

Demonstrators in London demanded the state counsellor prevent violations of human rights in Myanmar, but her followers countered with a protest in support of Suu Kyi.

She will meet Myanmar citizens living in Britain on Tuesday at the Marylebone Hotel in London.

The state counsellor visited Belgium first, then went to Italy before flying to London.

She arrived in the UK on May 4 and met with heir to the throne Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall at Clarence House in London next day. She also met with Britain’s Queen Elizabeth for lunch on Friday at Buckingham Palace.

She then met Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson at Charlton Gardens in London on the night of May 5.